Turkey or Beef?

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  • Dedicated to Steph Thompson (My BFF/Sister) and Tyler (My BFF/Sister) because you too are jus


I know some of you have gotten a bit confused. Jodie was visiting her mum at the beginning of the story; then she was staying at Harry's but now and in the last part, she was in her flat, on the outskirts of London. I hope you understand now!!! Also, Tyler is richer than Jodie as she has a better career, the music industry. (I know that I hadn't told you that already, you was supposed to find that out later on but it helps to clear up a few slight issues.) Jodie and Tyler are sisters, Tyler is a year older than Jodie.

Now I shall let you enjoy. Comment if you either want to be mentioned (Not as a parrot like one of my friends, Steph. And I know that when she reads this, she'll love me forever!!!) or want to add some brilliant idea you think would work well.

Thanks xxx

A knock at the door brings me back to my senses. Tyler is singing really loudly and really badly but, who cares??! It's Christmas. Of course you're going to mock the songs! I rush to the door, careful to make sure I'm quiet enough so that Tyler won't suspect anything - before opening the door, I send Louis a text saying that they must be quiet and that I have a surprise for them.

Ok. I'll tell the guys he immediately replies. I open the door and usher them into the living room. Just as I notice that I didn't vacuum in here, I realise that my pyjama top was a little bit revealing... I think it may have been all of the boys, except Zayn, staring at my breast that gave it a way, but I'm really not too sure.

"I'm just going to tell Tyler to turn the volume down and get dressed. Drink's on the coffee table, help yourselves. Back in a minute or two."


"knock knock! Tyler, the boys are here. They love your singing by the way." I state sarcastically as I leave the room. I wonder how much coaxing it will require to get he to show her face.


After dressing, I made my way back to the living room. This particular outfit, a lot less revealing! My pink skinnies with a jumper. I prefer this to my pyjamas!

"She shown her face yet?" I ask the boys. Louis shrugs.

"No. Don't think she likes something. What did you say, Jo? Must've been bad for her to shy away. She seemed kinda bubbly last time we met." I shrug. It's all I can do. She is normally bubbly but I guess she knows when I'm being sarcastic.

"You know. I think I have the perfect idea. Just one minute. I need to go and cut up some cucumber." I state boldly and when I see the boys blank faces, I remember that they don't know why I said cucumber. "It's her favourite food. I'm planning to coax her out using it. She won't be able to resist." Now, I hope, they understand. Surely now I've explained they understand.


Having just put a trail of cucumber from Tylers door to the living room I decide that it's only fair that myself and the boys embarrass ourselves a little.

"Now, guys. You know you loved Tyler's singing. Well, it's only fair that we embarrass ourselves. It will get her to opeen her door a little and see the trail; but my point is, you know you went on xfactor and everything, well, maybe if you pretended that everything was autotuned and that you actually can't sing. Maybe she'll come out?" I say the last as more of a question than a statememt purely because I don't know how they'll react.

"Sounds fun!" Zayn speaks first, followed by a chorus of yes'.

"Let me put the music on. Hows about Merry Christmas Everyone? We sung that at seondary and had a really cheesy dance to go with. If we sing it badly and I'm sure I can find a video of the dance, we can copy that??" Again, more of a question than a statememt but the band seemed OK with the idea so I started searching. It didn't take very long so quickly, I shoved the DVD into the player and waited for the boys to start singing.


Tylers POV

OMG! What is that noise. Do they not know when a girl wants some peace. I don't actually plan on showing my face. Maybe I'll just text Jodie?? Yeah, that'll work. I don't know what the stupid plan is though. Maybe... oh, I dunno.

I pick up my phone from my bedside table and type a text, to Jodie.

Please. Will you just shut the fuck up??

Umm. I hope that worked. They eventually decide to turn the volume down but they start to laugh. Now this isn't fair. I open my door a crack and see cucumber trailed, on plates, to the living room door. Collecting it can't be harmful, I just don't need to go in.

It must've been their plan. I stepped on 1 creaky floorboard and all of them came running out to give me a massive hug. Can't be bad.

"Now you've shown your face" Jodie starts "Will you be so kind as to put the oven on." Now,  know she was stating that!

"I guess." I answer. Knowing that if I refuse, I'm dead meat. "Who wants turkey and who wants beef. I'll cook this time. You always cook for me. You need time to spend with our fabulous guests" How is she going to get out of that one, I wonder? She always asks me to do the quick jobs and then cooks herself so she doesn't have to be around everyone. I don't know why though She's really talenete and sorta pretty.


I added some more but this still isn't done. Would you rather I did this in parts or if I keep adding more to this for a while? Comment your answer :D

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