Christmas Wishes

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Sorry not updated in a while. I really don't think this is going to be any good or what I have already written is for that matter. BUT... my best friends, Steph and Tyler, have been practically begging me for this so, here it is. If it's shit, I won't write anymore but if I manage 3 reads (at least) and 2 votes, I MIGHT consider writing some more.

As for you jcatnumber1 and stephthompson22 . Sorry I led you to believe this wasn't coming, I didn't think it would be!

ENJOY, I hope x

So, we have just spent the last two days continually shopping, yet, unbelievably, Tyler doesn't even feel tired yet!!! How she does it, I don't know but, god, I want some of that stuff she takes. I managed, just, to get all of the boys a gift, along with Tyler and Sophie. Each of the girls will be recieving something special, just like Louis. I think I'm giving the lilac bracelet to Tyler and Sophie is getting some perfume. She tested it in the shop and she thinks it's for my Mother, but, hey, she liked it and wanted it for herself, so... lucky girl... you get it!!!

******** Christmas Day - 2013

"Tyler!!!! Wake the hell up. The boys and Sophi will be around, like angy minute and I need help with the roast!!!!!" Christmas is, yes, time for family but, as we have spent the last goodness knows how long without them, I guess we decided it would be a little strange being with them again. Zayn said he was going to bring Perrie along too. Not complaining, just an extra mouth to feed!

"Coming. I told you to wake me an hour before they were planning to get here!!" I guess lying to wake a friend isn't that bad, unless they are mad about a certain member of One Direction.

"Look at the clock, Di Da, you may see something you will like"

"BITCH" Tyler screams as she sees that it's only 7 o'clock. Why did I get that reaction? It wasn't that bad a lie, was it?? I woke her up like she'd asked, maybe not at the right time, but, I still woke her up!!!! "You had to get me up, NOW!!!!!!"

"You asked-" She cuts me off, trashing the living room, throwing cushions at me. Thanks babe!

"You! Fucking! Twat!" She exclaimed, hitting me with a cushion on each syllable.

"I love you too. But, seriously, we need to clean this up and get ourselves looking stunning and-well, loads more. We need to clean and coo-" She cuts me off again

"Well, don't just stand there yabbering. Hop to it. I'm cating another 40 win-"

"Nuhuh. You know me. I vacuum clean and make tonnes of noise. You need to straighten your hair, anyway. And then curl mine" I added the last as an after thought. I had to. My hair looks best in ringlets!!!

********* An hour later

"Finally" I huffed as I shoved the vacuum cleaner into the cupboard. Flats can get mucky when you haven't been in them for at least a year. Don't ask. We have been travelling the country. "What time are the guys getting here, Tink?"

"Umm, 9, I think. And, seriously, my name is TYLER!!!"

"Sorry. Habit. You know, from secondary"

"Don't. Just, don't." End of converstaion me thinks. Maybe she doesn't like some of the happenings with certain History classes in a certain year?!?!?! I found them kinda funny

BUZZ BUZZ Who wants me at this time?? BUZZ BUZZ Must be important.

A text. From Louis.

Hey. Is it ok if myself, and the guys come early? Like in 10??

Great!!! I'm not even dressed!!

Umm. Yeah. Shouldn't be a problem. As long as you lot don't mind a messy flat and two girls looking shit... yeah. you can come

Why?!?!?!?!? Why did I say that?!?!?

"TYLER!!!! HURRY. THE GUYS ARE COMING ROUND IN 10!!!" Crap I look absolutely shit and there isn't enough time for a shower.

BUZZ BUZZ  Great. Now my phone goes off, again.

umm. Jodie. what floor u on? not as much traffic as we had thought

How do I reply? Do I tell him it's on the top, not the 4th? I dunno. I get one of my best friends words in my head. I think it's the same line I constantly quoted in year 8 I only speak the truth It sort of decides my reply for me.

4th. still in pj's though. hope you don't mind



So. Comment/inbox whether this was good and please vote!

I know it's sorta short for being so lon and, sorry but, I started writing on the coming up to christmas so I couldn't suddenly skip to afterwards which is why you're reading about christmas in January

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