New Captain

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*Janice's perspective

As time passed by me and Ody grew closer, fought battles together, I even became a well respected co-captain in a way. I made lots of friends and lots of people really see me as a god, sometimes meand Ody, short for Odyseus, would have some battles to see who ever wins. I mostly win, he says he lets me but I know he doesn't.

He would ask me if I want to take over as captain but I don't have the leadership skills like he does. Eventually weeks turned into months, months turned into years. It now has been 19 years since I came to this world.

"You don't look a day over 30 Janice." Ody said hugging me from the back. I'm now 39 years old but I hardly look my age, Ody has aged through the years but he was Old as me when I met him but now you can tell that I look young still.

Ody doesn't look bad either, he looks like 28 and we are still fighting with his brother, "Do you think he'll attack again today?" I asked, "What he's been getting weaker and weaker with his oppressors since we're taking them down."

I looked out the room from the third floor where our room would be looking out in front in case anyone tried to attack. I looked out into the area where I first came to this world where people built a statue of me in the exact spot where I fell through that portal. "Yea it just feels like this is getting too easy."

"C'mon it's your 19th anniversary that you've been here, lets just be happy and celebrate."

I nodded my head and we walked out the room where everyone was waiting and setting up food having a big feast. Through the years I became stronger and became a big threat against Torgar since I was the one with more powers than anyone on this planet.

After a while Torgar started getting weaker because the dark energy was wearing off, battle after battle he looked more human than monster. Now he's already his normal size when he was human and now his skin and eyes are almost becoming normal.

We sat down in the middle table of 11 long tables on the end where we sat at with almost everyone sitting at the tables with us. Before we started eating Ody stood up and lifted his glass, "I'd like to make a toast, to Janice. Thanks to her the war is almost over, and thanks to her..." He looked at me sitting next to him, "I've never been so happy. TO JANICE!" He lifted his glass as everyone did the same. "TO JANICE!"

Right before we drank our glass a huge, "BOOM!!!" came from the front gates. One of the guards came running in and shouted, "The oppressors! They just broke through the g-" He stopped speaking and collapsed with an arrow lodged in his upper back.

Ody quickly got up and shouted, "EVERYONE DOWN STAIRS INTO THE VAULT!!" the vault was built on the tenth year after gathering enough 'star steel.' It's the material that chained me up almost two decades ago. All the outer walls are made of it so if anything happens to us out here, everyone inside the vault.

Everyone panicked and knocked everything over trying to get to the vault, all of a sudden the windows in the front broke and oppressors started flying, crawling and jumping in. They stopped once they saw us in the front of our army. Me and Ody already had our weapons drawn, "I bet I can take out more oppressors than you." I said scanning where to start attacking first.

"Pfft, not a chance." The oppressors started charging and Ody quickly said, "The first one that takes out 100 wins." He ran and smashed the ground and swung his sword in a horizontal circle around him taking several guys out in one swing, "12 down Janice. Catch up!" he ran and disappeared into the crowd where you could see people falling over.

I ran inside too and started taking guys out, I went in and let some surround me and closed my eyes, Hopefully I remember what Alex taught me. I created ice crystals around me and spun them around me using my telekinesis cutting up the oppressors, I then shot out the crystals away from me stabbing everyone close to me. "That's 23!"

After freezing, shooting, and dropping enemies from up high I was at 88 and the crowd of oppressors was getting smaller and I could see Ody fighting on the other side of the room when I heard him shout. "I WIN, 100!"

I looked at him and he was smiling, this person with a long brown cloak came up to Ody. As he looked at the guy in the cloak his smile turned into a face of terror. The guy lifted up his hand and this blue fog started coming off of his face and into his hand. The cloak guys hood fell off and it was Torgar almost at the verge of losing his powers sucking Ody's soul out. Ody's Captain cloak fell off, as Ody tried to reach for Torgar he couldn't move another muscle.

I started flying towards Ody who looked like he was choking. Torgar then said with his loud voice getting more and more demonic as he sucked Ody's soul, "Do you know why his soul is blue? This color represents him. Leadership, courageous, and kind." Ody fell to his knees almost collapsing, "Now... it's MINE!" Torgar said letting go of Ody who fell to the floor.

As Torgar left outside I finally got to Ody who looked tired with a blade in his lower chest, "Hey hey hey, stay with me Ody c'mon." I felt a tear coming down my cheek as I felt his skin turn cold and grey.

"Sorry Janice, I froze when I saw him. He almost looked like himself when we were still best brothers."

"I thought your skin was impenetrable?" I said looking at the blade.

I wrapped my hand around it and pulled it out of his chest, he then softly said, "The only thing that can hurt me is the last blade that ever cut me last before I got the second ability of impenetrable skin. he must have kept it through all these years."

He looked to his left and grabbed his cloak and handed it to me, "You got a promotion Janice." He said laughing and coughing out blood right after. "No no no no no, don't die on me dammit!"

He put the cloak in my hand and held my cheek, as the grayness started to get to his face he softly spoke as his last words were. "I love you..."

His hand dropped from my cheek leaving blood on my face, I dropped my head to his chest holding back my tears as hard as I could. I looked up and could still see Torgar leaving out the gate with the black fog starting to come back with his dark skin like before.

"TORGARRRR!!!" I ran towards him and I had Ody's sword in my hand as I flew up and dove towards Torgar he instantly grew back to his giant self and this pulse of power pushed me back towards the base. The last thing I remember was hitting the wall before everything went black...

I started regaining consciousness hearing children crying and someone yelling my name with an eerie sound in the background. "Janice JANICE!!"

I opened my eyes and it was lieutenant George trying to wake me up. I got up and I was lying in ruble from the building. I looked behind me and a chunk of the front wall was gone. "Are you okay Janice?" George said checking me for any cuts or injuries.

I saw a crowd surrounding Ody's lifeless body. It was already sunset so I guess I was out for a while, I walked just past the gates and looked in the distance with no sign of Torgar or the oppressors.

"Janice what do we do now? Who will be the next Captain?" George said standing a few feet behind me. It was rude that he already accepted Ody's death, but he was right I thought. I looked at the cloak still clenched in my hand.

I walked back to the crowd around Ody, as they saw me they parted opening a path letting me get to Ody. I put on the cloak with the cape part in between my wings and the hood off and said, "I'm the new Captain now, and I WILL kill Torgar and end this war..."


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