Empowered Part 4

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After calming everyone down convincing them I'm on their side and explaining what happened. We went to the training room in well Jo's dimension where I first came to Jo's world so Jo can try to make a portal back to my world.

Since he can teleport and time travel I guess he can also go to different realities including mine.

He's been standing there for quite a while trying to get something to get to my world. He opens his eyes and says, "I got nothing,"

Dr.Isis Hawk or how they call him Doc asks, "You don't understand how to do it?"

"No, I do. It's just doing it, that's the problem. What if I just can't?" Jo asks.

Everyone there with us go into deep thought and look like they agree on what Jo said.

Doc takes a deep breath ad says, "Why don't we take a break? You can try again later." Jo sighs in disappointment and sits on one of the benches in one of the corners of the room.

I walk up to Jo and sit next to him and say, "Hey it's okay. You're basically my only way back home and all, but no pressure."

"Did my doppelganger have the same problem?" Jo asked.

I sigh and say, "Well... no, not really. Keep in mind that you're different."

"Man, if only I hadn't pushed him back through the portal. Maybe he could help..."

All of a sudden me and Jo hear a voice in our head, it's distorted but we can tell what it's saying, "Wish granted mirror me."

"Tyler?" I say I looking up surprised.

A misty, bluish figure appears. It's humanoid, forming into the shape of Tyler. He's like a ghost: transparent and floating in the air.

The others gather around us and we all stare in amazement. Drew looks at Jo and asks, "Jo, is that you? Like older and more spirit...ish?"

Doc stares and says, "Interesting..."

"How are you doing that?" Jo asks Tyler.

"I astrally projected myself through the dimensional barrier and ended up here. All I had to do was think about Alex," he responds with a more echoey voice.

Even I didn't know he could do this, I guess throughout the years he learned.

"Good to see you man," I say smiling at him.

"Likewise. I see you've made some new friends," he says looking at all of us. "So we have a bit of a problem," I say.

"Yeah, this story arc is taking too long," he says.

Great Tyler is doing that crazy '4th wall' thing again. Seriously, sometimes I just don't get him.

I look at Jo and he seems to understand what he means.

Great, even in this dimension the Tyler here does the same thing.

Jo gets Tyler's attention and says, "You know about the readers too?"

"Hm hm," he replies.

I slap my forehead in disappointment now that they both have the same interests.

I then say, "Okay, look I need to find a way back home. Can you open a portal for me Tyler?" I ask.

"No... I can't exactly do that right now. My body is unconcious. Fortunately, I managed to separate my soul in time to be able to search for you. How long have you been here?" Tyler asks.

I look at Jo and he replies "About four hours or so."

"Really? That's weird, I've been outside my body for about four minutes," Tyler said.

"Time must not flow the same way here as in your world," Doc says.

"Tyler, can you walk me through opening a portal?" Jo asked.

Tyler gave us a shrug and said, "I guess I can try."

"Okay. The last portal you made ended up here," Jo asked to Tyler pointing to the center of the room.

Tyler raised his arm horizontally making a fist and said, "Try doing this. It helped me the first time."

Jo does the same thing and closes his eyes. Tyler says, "Now concentrate. Focus. Try to feel everything around you."

"Tyler, I'm only seeing events in my timeline. I can't see through other dimensions." Jo said.

Tyler sighs and says, "Okay okay. Well, at least you see something. How did you get there?"

"I just focus on wanting to see the different events through time," Jo says.

"Okay... umm..." Tyler said looking like he had no more options.

"Jo," I say as he opens his eyes and looks at me. "You saw my life, my emotions. Think of them... all of them. The people you saw. Jak, Kat, Charlie... and Janice..."

I get into deep thought thinking about the day it happened and how it could've gone differently.

I look back at Jo and he's not moving, it looks like it's working. He's probably already looking into my world by now.

I look at Tyler and he slowly nods at me and we all look at Jo.

He opened his eyes and his hand started glowing just like Tyler when he opens a portal. Jo gasps and said, "I can feel it! The dimensional barrier, I can feel it!"

I looked at Jo and he is already sweating since it's his first time making the portal. All the energy goes into his hands and reaches out as he lets it go. It forms in front of him and expands into the portal.

The portal opens with a large "BOOM!"

That's not supposed to happen, and why is it circular?

Jo looks into the portal and Tyler can be seen on the other side, still unconscious.

Jo and looks back at Tyler's Astral projection and me and says, "Time to go home."

Tyler smiles and starts to fly towards the portal. He suddenly stops and quickly turns to Jo and says, "Close it!"

We all look at each other confused, Tyler flies back to us and we all hear a shrill screech. It's high pitched and ghost like, a pair of claws climbs out of the blue part of the portal in between both worlds.

A black creature climbs out and stands up. It's humanoid but not human. It has a large mouth with sharp teeth and slightly hunched over like something out of a horror movie. It looked over six feet tall and had one huge eye on it's forehead closed.

As we all stare at the creature slowly stepping back Jo asks, "Is that from your world?"

"No. Yours?" I ask

Jo nods his head. As Astral Tyler flies back he says, "I don't think that's from any world."

"Run! To the control room!" Doc yells. Tyler flies behind Jo, Me, Doc, Dawn, Drew, and Kaira.

We run into the elevator but it's hard to fit because my wings are still out.

"Oh! Sorry!" I retract my wings and the elevator door closes as the creature lunges at us like a wild animal.

As the door closes you could hear the creature on the other side slam into the door. Hearing him clawing the door trying to get inside. We start going up and into the control room.

Doc presses a button on the wall and says, "Lockdown mode."

You could see metal doors covering the normal ones slamming from their heavy weight. You could hear doors closing all around the building locking themselves.

We look out the window and see more of those creatures come out.


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