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Damien flies up in the air above us and his hands turn dark blue and his hands form a ball of blue fire, he starts throwing it at us and we start dodging. As they hit the floor the ball of fire spreads out like a water balloon.

As the fire spreads its flame is so hot everything it touches dries up and turns into ash instantly, "Whoa, Tyler whatever you do. Don't touch the fire." I say pointing at the flame drying up the grass. "I know I can see," he says sarcastically.

"Wait! I think I have an idea." Tyler says as he kneels down, He puts his hands around the blue flame and this red aura starts coming out of the flame and into his hands. He's absorbing the heat energy.

The more heat he absorbed the faster the heat died down. After the aura stops it disappears and so does the flame. Tyler touches the dry grass where the flame was and looks at me and Michael, "It's not hot anymore."

He puts his hands together and separates them slowly, this small light blue orb starts growing in between his palms and stops after growing into the size of a ping-pong ball. He holds the orb in one hand and throws it into the air at Damien, once it hit him the orb expanded and one big heat wave spreads out knocking Damien out of the air in the process.

Tyler looks at his hands then back at me, "I have an idea. Alex, I need you to throw another one of those fireballs." I look at him like he's crazy, "How am I supposed to do that?" I hope he doesn't want me to piss Damien off.

Tyler points at Damien who's getting up after the hit he took, "I need you to piss him off."


I walk up to Damien and I say, "Hey Damien,"

He looked at me with eyes wanting nothing more to kill, "What!?"

I take a deep breath and yell, "Your father deserved to die, I'm glad we killed him. With him falling in lava also helped us from cleaning his body up." I waited for him to react but nothing happened.

He just stood there staring at the ground clenching his fists. "AGGGHHHHH!!!" Damien yelled and went up in the air and created this huge fireball the size of a small house. That's too big, someone will see. Just throw it at me already!!

His eyes were dead set on me, as he threw the ball he yelled as he let go and the fireball came straight to me.

Tyler quickly jumped in front of me and held his arms out and caught the fireball, I stepped back and watched as Tyler struggled as the heat energy came off the fireball and slowly shrank down to nothing.

Tyler dropped his arms and looked at Damien who had a nervously surprised expression, "Whooo, *wipes the sweat off forehead* that was hot." Tyler said as he put his hands together and concentrated the heat energy he absorbed. It compressed to the size of a beach ball and it was so much denser than the last one where you could see through it that this one was pure dark glowing red.

Tyler pulled his arm back and with all he had he threw it at Damien, Damien covered his face with his arms as the ball expanded knocking him towards a hill smashing into the ground. The heat wave was so powerful it put out all the fire in the forest.

Everything was silent and you could hear the firemen putting out the fire that was left which were pretty small. We went to the hill and see Damien climbing out smoking all over from being cooked.

He was pissed and looked like he was ready to explode, he held out his hand above him and made an anti-light orb so huge it was the size of a tree and the floor under him was dying. "THAT'S IT!! YOU'RE DEAD!!!" He threw the orb straight at us so we started flying away from it, we couldn't fly up because we didn't have enough space without getting hit by the orb.

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