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The four were giggling evilly, watching an almost drunk looking Kakashi.

Ushio's healed his mind enough over the last few weeks for him to wake up, but his mind hasn't completely  recovered. During that time, new trauma was created for his mind, but he would never know.

"His face sure is cute," Ushio mused. "I wonder what he'll do to us when he sees what we've done."

"Probably give me an earful," Ushio hummed. "Pretty sure he'll think only I am immature enough for that kind of things."

"Maybe... Wanna draw turtles on his back?"


They were about to strip him off his shirt, when the door to his apartment opened. They froze in their tracks, all turning around to see a blonde woman, Naruto, and a dark brunette with a pig walking in. The four looked at the other four with nervous looks.

"What are you doing?" Naruto asked accusingly.

"Farts," Kakashi said.

The eight turned to look at him.

"I see he's awake now, Naruto," the woman told the blond boy.

"Ushio's tried her best healing his mind," Asuma said. "It took a while to get him to wake up, and the trauma is still kind of prominent, so he makes just about zero sense."

"Ushio?" the woman asked, looking around. She looked between the red haired girl and the dark haired woman. "Which one is it?" Asuma pointed at Ushio, making her raise her glance to him. "Let me see."

The woman walked over to the silver haired teacher of the two youngest people in the room, placing a hand on his forehead. Her eyes widened at the state Ushio's brought his mind to. 

"Do you practice Healing Techniques much?"

"Not really," she shrugged, looking at the pig with a frown. "Ton-Ton, why don't you like me?"

The pig spoke for a moment, making her sigh.

"That's not a nice thing to say to my friends, they don't like me because they are too stupid to know otherwise. They like me because I'm lovely!" The pig deadpanned at the girl, making her frown, turning around. "Whatever, I don't need a pig's affection," she sniffled, trying to hold back tears.

"There, there," Naruto comforted her.

Kakashi opened his eyes, suddenly looking aware of his surroundings. 

"You're a shame," the woman lectured him. "I heard you got beaten up by a couple of thugs. And I thought you were a genius."

"I'm sorry," was all he said.

The four exchanged a look, holding their silent laughter, knowing what was under his mask.

Whoever allowed Asuma to draw was the pure devil.

It was less than a week after Tsunade, the blonde, was officially announced Hokage, when Ushio was summoned to the office.

She was kind of pissy she wasn't getting any missions, since Kakashi left on a mission even though he was still not 100 percent better, and the rest of Team 7 were sent on a mission too.

Tsunade said something about wanting her at the hospital, but that lasted two days before she was kicked out. Then, she was requested to take over at Iruka's class for the day, because they had to many cancellations and Iruka had to go on a mission with Raido. It ended up becoming a two days thing, and at the very last period, Iruka bustled in, taking over, and sending her to Tsunade's office.

She gave her a new mission-- at the beginning, she was excited, because Kotetsu, Izumo and Ibiki were there. But then the truth's been told.

She was to guard the gates.

Only minutes earlier, Aoba came by to tell her to get to Tsunade's office, and that she was done with her duties at the gate.

For now, he added fearfully, just before she left earshot.

She met Shikamaru on her way up the stairs.

"Oh, Shikamaru, you're here too!"

"Yeah..." he trailed off, "you've been told to get to Tsunade's office too?"

"Yeah. You think we're getting a mission?"

"Maybe, haven't been getting any since Tsunade's returned."

"Lucky you, I've been helping with repairing everything at the beginning," she sighed, reaching the office's floor. "Then me and Kakashi were hurt and I was stuck in his place pretty much all of the time, healing him. Every once in a while Iruka would tell me they need Kawami's help and I'd need to summon him."

"So you haven't left the village since before the exams, huh?"

"Yeah," she rubbed the back of her head. "I'm getting Claustrophobic," she grinned.

"You're so troublesome..." he sighed, knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Called Tsunade's voice. The two walked into the office, standing in front of Tsunade, and, surprisingly, Shizune, Kotetsu, Izumo, Ibiki, Anko and Genma were behind her.

"That looks really troublesome."

"You're right, woman."

Tsunade smirked at the two that were lazily watching her, "Tell you the truth, I have no idea what to do. There were some opinions that there should be no qualifiers this time, due to the last part of the exam not being completed." The two exchanged a look, half-confused, half hoping they're wrong. 

It really was troublesome.

"However, I've heard that the Third Hokage was amused-" Ushio- "and impressed-" Shikamaru- "with your fights and considered recommending you to be Chuunin, and all of the examiners believed your skills are fitting. All of the other feudal lords from the other countries agree with this too. Since that's the case, there isn't much for me to say here...

"Therefore, keep up the hard work and do not bring disgrace to your forehead protector. Congratulations, from this days on, you two are Chunins."

"So we were right," Shikamaru sighed.

"Super troublesome."

"What's that?" the Hokage wondered, an irk mark threatening the safety of the two.

"We just said how excited and pumped and grateful we are!" they laughed nervously. "Weren't we, Shikamaru?!"

"Exactly, Ushio!" he laughed loudly. "I've never been as happy!"

"Shut up and wear the flak jacket," Ibiki threw the green jacket at the two nervous kids. 


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