My Heart Is A Hot Mess...

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 Hey you guys!!! (Why won't this line bold?? :{)

Sorry I haven't updated in like 10 days :P I'm trying to readjust to regular school schedual (I seriously can't spell xD) 'cause I had winter break three weeks ago, Finals that next week, then a four day weekend...then second semester started :P Stupid school!

Anyways...Turnabout (is that just a thing schools around here do? 'cause a lot of people I talk to from outside of IL don't know what it is...) is coming up on February 25th. (yes it is a month away, but everyone is freaking about getting a date already). Hence why I'm freaking out about wanting to ask my guy friend, Matt... :*) haha sooo's really nerve wrecking!! :(

...Oh now I remember everything I wanted to say!! :D

#1 (& most important!)  thank you guys for comenting and voting and reading this story!! It really makes me feel good and special and like I'm a good writer! :) I'll try to update more quickly, with both books 'cause I'm like in love with Are You Really My Savior x)

#2: I'm gonna start doing pictures and songs 'cause I think it's cool haha. Sooo the picture is obviously of all the guys 'cause this chapter's about like all of them :3 Song is Fallin' For You by Colbie Caillat! Because it just fits for the guys' PoV and Tori's :] Btw, I'm gonna start doing more PoV's of the guys and maybe others if it fits!! 

Welp, enjoy!! :33

*If you were my girl you’d never have to worry about another thing…*

                “Tori…hey!” Kendall says, confused, but sounded very happy.

“Uhm, why are you here exactly?” Logan asks, saying the question Kendall didn’t want to say.

James looks at me, squeezes my hand as if I’m the one who needs the comfort, and growls: “Missy.”

“So, what now? Not like I really mind, but…is she really staying here?” Carlos says, confused, but sympathetic.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Kendall begins, “Darren will kick us out of camp if he realizes that Tori’s on the guys’ side of camp, and that she’s with us in our cabin.” Darren’s the camp director.

“Well, what else are we gonna do?” James asks, almost in a scared tone. He seems really stressed lately and I keep wondering what Missy and James’ past really is like. ‘Cause it can’t be that simple of a breakup if James is seriously sneaking me into his cabin just so I will be away from her.

“Keep her here…?” Logan asks hopefully, which makes me blush bright red so I have to hide my face by looking at the floor.

“No…” Carlos starts, “we should go talk to Darren about the situation.”

Logan and James sigh. “But that requires effort,” they whine.

“Oh, shut up, you big babies!” Carlos smiles. “Let’s go before it gets to dinner time and the campfire starts.”

They roll their eyes and grudgingly get up. I laugh and the smile back. I was about to get up and follow James, Kendall, and Carlos when I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Tori, can I talk to you?” Logan’s voice whispers.

I try to hide my smile. “Sure, what’s up?”

He takes my hand and looks deeply into my eyes. “Are you okay? I’ve heard about the nasty stuff Missy’s said to you and how she…y’know…almost killed you…I just wanted to know that you’re holding up okay…”

I Wonder How Much Could Happen In One Summer (A Big Time Rush Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now