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We are going out tonight!! I can't wait. We have been flirting with each other constantly. Maybe I'll have a new boyfriend, who knows?

Later that night

Tonight was such a weird night. I went to see him but with a friend...and it was so weird because I had never really been around a boy like that before.

My friend and I were there for an hour waiting for him and when he came. I looked every where for him but couldn't find him. When I finally spotted him my stomach dropped. I got so nervous. I couldn't walk over and say "hey here I am" I was too scared. So once I walked past once I tried to avoid him as much as possible. But then my stupid shoe needed tied. I had to go sit on a bench to tie it quickly before he seen me. But once I finished and looked up, there he was. Looking right down at me. My stomach dropped way worse than before. I felt sick immediately. But I tried to smile and just walk with him and her. We talked but my voice was small. I couldn't be myself around him right away. I didn't wanna embarrass myself. I tried not to look at him because I didn't want him to think I was creepy so I stared at the ground. When it was time to leave it was so awkward. We said "bye" to eachother and that was it. It was the most awkward thing ever. Were we supposed to hug?? We were only friends. Once I get in the car with my friend I pull up my kik and have a message from him "thank you for hanging out with me tonight" it was so polite. I wasn't used to it. I waited until I was home to text and then I said "you probably hate me now. I'm really ugly." Then he said "no you're stunning. I couldn't keep my eyes off you" once I read the message I got so many butterflies. It was the best feeling ever. Then I looked down and seen another text "sucks that we can't be together" he said. "We can" I said back. His reply made me laugh "REALLY????"
Me: "yes really, you just have to ask"
Him: "you're absolutely beautiful. Will you please be my girlfriend?"
Me: "of course"
Him: "I'm so happy."
Me: "me too"

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