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We've been together 8 months. I've never been so happy. He makes me so much more happier than my ex. My ex and I haven't been speaking at all. I cut him out of my life completely because there was no need to talk to him anymore.

Tonight was the night of formal. I was so excited. I really wish he would've asked me in a special way. It was always a dream of mine, to be asked in a special way. I would always see pictures on social media. My hair and make up was done and now it was time for pictures. He hadn't seen my dress yet. So it would be a surprise for him. He also hadn't seen me all done up.

On my way to go get pictures, I had to bring his flower. I was so nervous because I was supposed to put it on him and I had no idea how to. I was still so nervous around him in general. We shared our first actual kiss like a week before formal.

Once we finally arrived at the college, I got out and found him. I really wanted him to just turn around and have a shocked face. I wanted him to look at me and just say "wow", but instead he turned around and said hi. Then he turned back around and didn't look at me. Maybe he just couldn't see me because it was dark...

After our pictures we went to the dance. I was freezing cold...but he didn't have a jacket to lend me. Once we got in the building I felt like he barely payed attention to me anymore. He just spoke to his friends and completely ignored me. When we went to dance, he just wouldn't dance with me. But when friends came over he would dance with them. He kissed me once that night...and it was nice. But I could feel him drifting away. Slowly.

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