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Typically on a Monday I would be crammed with homework. But for some reason I wasn't today. On days like this I usually wasted my time watching tv or watching my brother play his games. I tried to do anything to prevent me from speaking to my ex.

We ended on a rough note. He just couldn't be honest with me, and I couldn't handle that. Once we ended I literally begged for him back. That's the kind of girl I am. I have stupid written in big black letters on my forehead. He would always reject me every single time and to this day I hate rejection and I try to avoid it as much as possible. When you love someone so much and you get rejected by them, it's like someone ripped your insides out. Not exaggerating. It's been a year and I still just want his attention and his love.

I sat watching tv until around 7, then I get a direct message on Instagram. From someone I had a fling with last year around Christmas. Our fling didn't last. He danced with another girl at formal and I really didn't find that appropriate. Our talking only lasted for a week, so I wasn't really hurt. I just kind of laughed it off and went on with my day.

I open the message and it read
Him: " can we still be friends or do you hate me still.."
Me: "I don't hate you, and yes we can be friends"
Him: "I'm still sorry for what I did. You're so pretty I don't know what I was doing"
Me: "aw thank you, and it's ok I'm over it now"
Him: "do you have me blocked on kik?"
Me: "no"
Him: "I'll text you on there"

Wow. I wasn't expecting a text from him at all. To be honest, I completely forgot he even existed. I was so shocked. I looked on his Instagram while I waited for him to message me on kik. When I was looking he had no recent pictures. And when we had our fling before we never met up to go on a date. *beep*

That whole night we messaged each other until like 11 at night. Most of it was friendly and other parts we really flirted with each other. He was kinda cute, not going to lie. He knew how to make me smile. I didn't text my ex at all that night.

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