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I don't know what I did wrong. Yeah we fought, but couples fight. I never thought that you'd be the one to give up. I always thought that you'd stay here forever. I thought you loved me and that we would be together forever, through thick and thin. We would get over every single bump because that's how much we love each other.

Today he broke up with me with no explanation. I thought he was just being stubborn, but nope. He really ended things between us. I called him to ask and beg for him back and tell him how much I love him. But he wouldn't pick up. Eventually he did, and he told me that things just weren't good. He told me we just needed to end things.

I don't understand why he took me out yesterday just to break my heart the next day. Why was he randomly leaving me? Would he come back? Yeah he has to come back. He loves me. He would never just leave me.

He hadn't answered my text all day. I was so sad that I couldn't even talk to my mom without shrieking. She could tell something was wrong and once she asked "what's wrong" I broke down. I couldn't tell her. But she forced it out of me. She gave me the advice to invite a friend over and to just hang out for a little. So I invited my friend over and I guess that took my mind off things for awhile. But he was still all I seen. While I was at the mall with her, anything I passed reminded me of him.

Later when my friend was leaving, he messaged saying he was sorry for everything and that he still loved me and wanted to be with me. Of course I took him back. Only for like 2 hours though, then we broke up again.

It was hard to sleep without his goodnight messages. I fell asleep feeling unloved and unwanted.

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