Chapter Five

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The elite growled at the dead bodies that laid on the ground. These were once his men, troops he was led to believe were the best that the Covenant had to offer, but as Fangore looked at the mauled bodies that were supposed to kill the Spartan that shot him in the hand, he was beginning to think otherwise. He turned to one of the Elites that had followed him as an escort and snarled, "Get me in contact with the Council right now! They have some shit to explain!" Without as much as a warning, he shot the closest Grunt next to him for not moving fast enough. As he waited for a response from the Council, he continued to flex his injured hand to see if he was able to make a fist, but couldn't, only to foul his mood even more than it already was. He waited patiently, and the moment they came onto his personal communication deck on his Phantom, he didn't give them a chance to greet him before going off, "You told me that you would give me the finest soldiers for this invasion of the Human planet! You promised that they could hold their own against the Demons, but they are dying just as fast as any of the others. Why did you lie to me, Councilors?"

The Councilors were confused by what Fangore had just spoke of. They looked at one another and was still puzzled, "Fangore, are you telling us that you have failed to conquer this planet on your own?"

"I never said such words! I will destroy the Demons' planet. But I wish to know why you have supplied me with ill-fitted soldiers who cannot even kill ONE of these Demons?"

"That is not of our concerns, Fangore. You have been given soldiers and orders to destroy the planet. DO not make us regret this decision."

Even though still furious, Fangore knew not to push the matter any further. HE knew it was going to get him nowhere. Through clenched mandibles, he bowed to one knee, "As you wish, Council." Immediately flicking the feed off and let out a angered roar at the top of his lungs.

Kat could hear something far off into the distance that sounded like some kind of echoing roar from some kind of beast that she had never heard of before and began to move more cautiously because of it. She knew that none of the other except for Grim had to have heard it, but by the way he was acting, it was as if either he didn't hear it or he did but just didn't care to bother with it, so she mentioned nothing about it.

Grim could tell something was beginning to Make Kat uneasy and he wasn't liking that at all. He knew it was most likely from that roar they both heard a moment ago, but for something to spook her that bad, wasn't anything good, and he knew it wasn't because the only thing that could make a sound like that and that was in that general direction was none other than Fangore, and if that was the case, then she had every right to be a little unnerved. While turning a corner of a half toppled building, and quickly stopped, and held up a fist to tell the other to hold.

The ODST trooper approached him carefully and peeked around the corner and knew why they had stopped: Three Elites were patrolling the perimeter on Ghosts. He looked up at the bui8lding that they were hiding behind and noticed that there was opening for some of them to climb into and flank the patrol, but that was going to have to require a distraction. HE looked at his son and asked, "What do you want us to do, Son?"

"Why are you asking me? You're the more experienced one out of all of us."

"That may be, but You are the Officer, so we have to do as you command."

McGrath looked at the hole and then looked at the patrol carefully through a broken window, making sure that they couldn't see him, and knew what his father was thinking about doing, "How many do you think we can get inside before they get down here?"

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