Chapter Seven

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The next morning, operation UPPERCUT had begun and while the main forces was being led by Noble Team, Grim had his small detachment of ODST troopers and travelled to the back of the Covenants fortification, well out of the range of the anti-aircraft cannons. Once at the drop zone, Grim looked to the small group of ten ODST soldiers and nodded his head for them to begin their side of the operation, and jumped out of the pelican. As he built up speed and force, he began to brace himself for his landing and when he finally hit the ground, he created a small crater and kicked up dust dirt and debris that went about ten feet into the air, and also come to realize that he had landed on a Grunt and was covered in his blood and some of its intestines. He darted out of his dust cloud and began to open fire and the small outer encampment of Covenant forces.

The Covenant forces that were there was thrown off by the initial attack for a moment, but they recovered faster than Grim was wanting to and quickly ducked behind a rock to shield him as his ODST troops came down for support.

While deactivating their jetpacks, the ODST dropped to one knee and began to pick off the Covenant from where they were and began to find what cover they could as they were slowly getting picked off. One threw a frag, causing the small group to try and dove out of the way, but some of them were cut short on their jump and were either caught in midair or they found themselves still within the blast radius and were tore apart by mainly their own barriers while other were badly burned across their face, but it was enough for Grim to make his move.

He slung his Saw onto his back and had out his DMR and began to pick off what Elites he could that were still alive but disoriented from the grenade. From there he began to move forward and to kill the Grunts and Jackals that got too close to him with one of his knives while using his DMR to keep the Elites at bay momentarily until they were either killed by the ODST or by Grim after he was done killing whatever with his knife. He spotted an Elite Ultra making a break for it and chased him down. Once he caught up with it, he tackled it and crawls on top of it and with his knife in hand, he grabbed the Ultra by its helmet piece and stabs it in the eye and holds it there while the Elite squirmed until he finally pulled it out and shot it multiple times in the face through its broken helmet. He turned and was almost stabbed by the last Elite that was within the small encampment, but before the Elite had the time to attack, it was shot down by two of the ODST troopers.

The ODST made a quick walkthrough of the small base to make sure no other Covenant troops were there. Once they finished securing the perimeter, they signaled Grim, giving him the 'Go ahead'.

Grim got on his radio and gave the order, "Make the drop."

When the order was given, several Pelican came down and dropped off the other half of the UNSC forces that was taking part in the counter-attack, and even had another Spartan or two that were willing to help out.

Grim smiled a grin of Demonic glee as he envisioned how this fight was going to take place: It was going to be a bloodbath. HE fed a fresh belt into his SAW as well as a fresh magazine into his DMR, and at first started out on foot, but decided to catch a ride on one of the warthogs that was dropped and started to pass him up as he grabbed the side of it and flung himself into the empty passenger seat.

He kept his eyes out for any other small Covenant camps to take out before the major ones, and he knew that if they were to run into any vehicles, the responsibility was going to be the gunner behind him, because he wasn't about to waste his ammo on that when the manned turret behind him has more firepower than he does. As they continued down the dirt paths, picking off any covenant troops they found, everything began to grow far too quiet. Not even the radio chatter from Noble team was coming through anymore.

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