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I'm not much of a fan of Drarry (Draco, and Harry), but I wanted to try something new, so let's see how this goes.

****Draco's P.O.V****

I entered the train Crab behind me as I walked first years quickly entered their compartments closing the door.

I smirked as I watched them try not to make eye contact with me. Good let them be scared.

I passed a compartment glaring at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Ron looked down, Hermione rolled her eyes, and Harry glared right back at me.

We kept our stair until I walked away we found a compartment, and sat down.

We talked about Quidditch. We have to beat Gryffindor. They've beat us at every game "just cause they have Potter as their seeker that's why they win" I said angry.

"You kind of sound jealous" Crab said I grew even more angry I grabbed him by his shirt "I'm not jealous!" I said in his face he put his hands up "ok ok you're not jealous" he said.

I let go of him pushing him into the seat. I sat down glaring out the window.

I'm NOT! Jealous of Harry Potter.

****Harry's P.O.V****

I saw Draco glaring at us as he passed by Ron, and Hermione ignored him. I didn't. I glared right back at him.

I wasn't scared of him. At all. I knew it would make him mad if I didn't show fear. I didn't because I didn't have any fear towards him.

So I returned the glare right back at him until he finally left. "He's, so annoying" Hermione said while sitting down. Tell me about it.

We had an hour before we got to Horgwarts. Finally! I was sitting looking out the window then at the corner of my eye I saw a spark.

I looked out my compartment Draco, and Crab were having a wand war then all of the sudden a spell came towards me I quickly ducked.

"Ha! Better watch it Potter" Draco said smirking I ignored him going back to my compartment.

I sat there with nothing to do looking out the window until I saw it the peek of the castle! Hogwarts! We were here!

I tried hiding my excitement, but couldn't help, but grin. I followed Ron, and Hermione off the train once we got there we took a seat, and waited for the feast to start.

I kept looking over at Slytherin Draco kept glaring at me. I mean I know he hates me, but jeez calm down.

I looked away, and saw Ron eating. Of course. The feast already started "why does Draco keep glaring at you? It's getting annoying" Hermione said. Tell me about it.

I looked over now really annoyed I gave him a look as to saying what! He stopped, and started talking to his friends. He has friends?! (A/:N I had too😂)

Letters came flying in going to each student startling them I looked at it, and opened it.

It said for our class our first assignment was going to be with a partner mine was Advance Potions, and my partner was Malfoy!

No! No way that's happenings Im not working with him! Who paired us up anyways?! Snape. Of course. I looked over Snape was smirking at my reaction.

I looked over at Draco he looked as angry as me he ripped up the paper shaking his head.

"Yes! I got Luna!" Hermione said smiling "I got Neville" Ron said kind of whining "don't complain I got Draco!" I said showing them my paper.

"Now that I think of it Neville isn't that bad" Ron said I rolled my eyes "that really sucks" Hermione said "I know! Half the time we're probably just going to argue" I said.

It probably was true we don't agree on anything. He hates me, and I hate him how could we possibly work together.

Oh wait I know! By not working together at all!! *cough cough* Snape!

I tried forgetting about it for the rest of the feast until we went to our dorms then everybody started talking about it. Ugh.

I passed by Draco his friends standing around him "there is no way Im working with Potter" he said sounding disgusted "same here with you Draco" I said.

He walked closer to me I stood taller "don't think Im going to be working with a person who hangs out with freaks, and muggle borns" he said looking over at Ron, and Hermione.

With out thinking I punched him to the ground everyone gasped, and circled around us he quickly got up coming at me Snape came running towards us separating us.

"Walk along! Go to your dorms!" Snape yelled at the student's around us they quickly left.

Snape dragged us to Dumbledore's office Mcgarganol (A:/N I spelled it wrong I know) was already there, so was Dumbledore "I can not believe you two! Not even a day has gone by, and already a fight from you two! Think of the first years that watched what a way to show, and welcome them to Hogwarts!" she was furious.

I looked down Draco just shook his head angry probably saying in his head "wait till my father hears about this" that stupid line he always says.

"You both have detention" she said. Yes! That means I don't have to work with him. "But that doesn't mean you get out of doing the assignment you will do it during detention. Together." she said.

Great just what I needed.

It's short I know, but I just wanted to get this book started.

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