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****Draco's P.O.V****

I woke up wishing I didn't I dug my face into my pillow growling I heard the door open I didn't see who it was I just threw a pillow at them I heard the door close quickly.

After twenty more minutes of laying on my bed I got up getting ready I slicked my hair back fixing it.

I walked to the comman room finding Crab, and Goile "well why are you guys just standing there? Lets go!" I said walking out they quickly got up following me.

As I walked down the hall everyone was with their partners I gave everyone a disgusting look I quickly passed Snape's classroom hoping he wouldn't see me.

"Mr. Malfoy get in here" I heard him say I stopped rolled my eyes, and walked in Crab, and Goile had left Potter was already there. Great.

"You didn't think you could just skip your detention did you Mr. Malfoy?" Snape asked "no I guess not" I said with a small glare "well if you keep up with the attitude you, and Mr. Potter can just be assigned more work. Wouldn't that be nice more time for you two together" Sape said with a small smile.

I looked over at Harry he mouthed shut up I gave him a mean look "Mr. Malfoy! If you could stop making goo goo eyes at Mr. Potter that would be great. That goes for you too" he said "I wasn't!" I yelled.

Potter's face got red, but probably because of anger it obviously had to be, and I was obviously not! Making goo goo eyes at Potter! Whatever that means.

"That's it! You two have detention for the next two weeks you will spend that time together doing work. You can thank Mr. Malfoy" Snape said Potter looked extremely mad now as was I also.

"There is no way! I'm spending two weeks him" Harry finally said pointing at me "one more word from either of you, and you two are expelled!" Snape said slamming his hands on his desk.

Can he even do that? That's not even a good reason to expel someone.

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****Harry's P.O.V****

Great because Draco can't keep his mouth shut I have to work with him for TWO WEEKS! No way am I doing that I'd rather go back to the Dursleys.

Snape had left to Dumbledore's office we started working on the assignment the whole time Draco kept mumbling "wait till my father hears about this" I was about to slap him.

It finally got on my last nerve "will you please shut up?!" I said slamming my pencil on the desk he slowly turned to look at me glaring.

"No! Freedom of speech Potter! This is your fault we are in here if you would have never hit me we wouldn't be here!" he said "well if you wouldn't have insulated my friends I wouldn't have!" I said getting in his face.

"It's not my fault you're friends with freaks, and muggleborns!" he said I tried calming myself, and tried keeping myself from punching him.

"You know what I'm done with this!" I said throwing the papers on the floor leaving.

"You get back here! We're not finished!" I heard Draco yell. I keep walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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