Office Affairs [ Jungkook BTS ]

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Sequel to ' Late for Work '. 

Chorong sighed as she headed for work, sniffing the air to get a taste of the perfume she especially sprayed on herself. Today wasn't anything special, just another work day with nine hours to rot in the office, but to her, it's an anniversary of something. More of a secret than anything though.

She checked her watch to make sure she wouldn't be late, or be purposely late. 7:00. Perfect. She was supposed to be in the office an hour earlier since it's the last Friday of the month, but now she's standing in front of the bus station at her workplace, an hour early. Shrugging to herself, she headed to Starbucks again, ordering a mocha, and this time, a frappucino with extra caramel and whipped cream, just for him. An additional chocolate chip muffin caused another minus in her wallet, but it was worth it, Chorong deciding to treat herself to breakfast.

Heading towards the office with the two drinks hanging from her wrist in a paper container, the glass doors slid open to reveal the trademark smiling face of Eunji, who greeted her with a wink. "Morning, Chorong - ooh, is that frappe for me?" Her fake lashes brushed her cheeks as she flashed her puppy eyes. Normally, the girl would buy a drink for her receptionist friend seeing as how tiring it was to keep track of every single bullshit in this high-end office, but not today. "Sorry, Eunji. It's for someone else." The receptionist eyed her suspiciously, and she couldn't hide the faint colour that rose to her cheeks as she stuttered, "W-what?"

"I knew it!" Eunji shouted, or as loudly as the wide lobby allowed. She bent towards the younger, and whispered, "It's for Boss-nim, right?" Her eyes twinkled as Chorong sighed. "I'm right, right?"

"I wouldn't even consider that a complete sentence but yes, you're right. Now, can you give me my key and leave me alone?" She tried to flash her I'm-a-top-level-worker-here-miss card, but it didn't work.

"Mean, aren't you?" The other chuckled and rummaged around the numerous drawers under her desk. "Here it is." She slid the small metal key across the glass surface to Chorong, who slammed her hand on it a little too hard and winced as she pocketed it, shouldering her bag and headed towards the lifts. "By the way, you're treating me to lunch today!" A shout made the corners of her lips lift as she strode towards the lifts.

The lift shot up the instant Chorong passed her employee ID across the sensor, something she still haven't gotten used to after three months of work. It wasn't that the ride was nauseous, but more of making her stomach fill with butterflies everytime she rode on it. Maybe it was the extremely fast speed and the stunning view outside the glass walls, but her heart didn't agree.

Within seconds, the lift reached her floor, and the doors slid open to reveal a smiling Jimin, whose arms were full of cardboard boxes. He must've noticed her curious and surprised expression, because he grinned, "Relax, I'm not getting fired." The tension in her shoulders eased slightly, but she was still wondering what the heck was going on. "I'm getting a promotion. Jungkookie fired the Sales Manager on the Fifth Floor, and since I'm the highest ranking worker on his floor besides him," She rolled her eyes. Obviously. "I get a promotion. Three cheers for me!" His whole face lit up with his smile, and Chorong pressed the open button for him. "Thanks." Jimin shouldered his way into the lift with cardboard boxes, and dumped them on the floor. "Well, good luck on work!"

She mouthed a thanks as she checked her watch. 7:30. Not late. Thank god. Walking towards the Boss' office as fast as her heels allowed, she managed to input the password and took her card out of the slot just as the clock on Jungkook's desk beeped an 8 am.

Her boss' chair swiveled around to reveal Jeon Jungkook himself lounging on it, eyebrows raised and lips in a thin line. "You're late."

"I'm on time," She corrected as she set the plastic cup with 'Frappucino' scribbled on it with a black marker on his desk. "By the way, my treat."

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