Junghope (sad)

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"Jungkook you are not going out with those guys, they are bad news." Hoseok yelled to his boyfriend. They were having a huge fight as Jungkook wanted to go out and party with some guys that Hoseok didn't want him to go with. They were standing in Hoseoks apartment.

"Yeah well you know what Hoseok, I don't need you to tell what I can't and can do. Besides they are not bad news" Jungkook yelled back at his boyfriend.

"Listen I know those guys and they are bad, trust me. I don't like you going out with them" Hoseok said trying to calm down.

"Is this because you are jealous?" Jungkook said which didn't help the situation at all.

"This is not about being jealous Jungkook, this is about you not going out with those guys because they are not good for you and because I'm your boyfriend and if you love me you'll trust me on this!" Hoseok said raising his voice again.

"Maybe I don't need a boyfriend who wants to control my life." Jungkook said, he turned around leaving Hoseok's apartment, despite Hoseok saying his name.
It was late and not many people were out on the street. The weather was cold and Jungkook was freezing. He really needed to come down so he took his phone from his pocket and his headphones and turned on some music, it always made him calm down. He just didn't get why it was such a big deal. They all went to school together, and Jungkook had gotton asked to a party with them. They were at the same age as Hoseok and they even had classes with him. He didn't understand why he was so must against them, they seemed fine in school. Though he had heard some rumors about them drinking a lot and smoking but he wasn't sure it was true. Suddenly a text beeped in it read:

'Don't listen to your music too loud when you're outside'

The text was from Hoseok and made him smile. He realised he must have followed him out to make sure nothing happend to him. Another text beeped in on his phone.

''And close your jacket please is cold'

Jungkook smiled and closed his jacket. How could he stay mad at his lovely boyfriend when he acted like this. He started to regret the things he had said to him, he just wanted to hug him and work it out. Another text beeped in.

'Are you cold? You should go inside if you're cold'

Jungkook smiled and finally texted back:

'You can come up here and warm me'

Jungkook soon after felt a hand in his own and he smiled. None of them said a word until they reached Hoseok's apartment.

"I'm sorry babe I shouldn't have said those things to you, I just don't get what the big deal is." Jungkook said. They were standing close with Hoseok's arms around Jungkook's waist and Jungkook's hands were placed on Hoseok's upper arms.

"There is something I haven't told you." Hoseok suddenly sounded sad.

"What?" Jungkook got worried.

"I was good friends with them once, and I started to date one of them and he pushed me to have sex with him and then he dumped me when I refused to do it again. That's why I said they are no good news, and I think they're going after you because they know we're together." Hoseok's eyes had gotton teary by the painful memory.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Why didn't you just tell me?" Jungkook asked drying escaped tears away.

"I-I didn't want you to think less of me. I was just young and he was my boyfriend, he told me that what was couples did so I did it. I felt horrible after and refused to have sex with him, he broke up with me and started to say stuff about me. Luckly people didn't believe them and he stopped." Hoseok really couldn't hold the tears back now.

"Baby don't cry. I don't think any less of you, nothing could make me do that." Jungkook pulled him into a hug. "Of course I won't go out with them. They're assholes and you did the right thing saying no to him." Hoseok's stream of tears came to an end by his boyfriends lovely words.

"Really? You mean all of that?" Hoseok asked. He pulled out of the hug but they were still in each others embrace.

"Yes. Now forget about them. I will never ever do something to hurt you okay?" Jungkook said and kissed Hoseok's lips tenderly.

"I know you won't." Hoseok smiled. Even though he was the eldest of the two, he truely needed the comfort he gave him.

"Now let's watch a fun movie and forget all of this okay?" Jungkook said.

"Yeah." Hoseok said "and thank you for being this perfect boyfriend." Hoseok smiled.

"I only am because you are too." Jungkook smiled back. They gave each other a kiss before sitting down and watching a movie, Jungkook in Hoseok's embrace.

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