Kookiemonster (smut)

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Jungkook knocked on the door to his boyfriends apartment. Namjoon opened the door smiling widely.

"Hey babe, come on in." Namjoon said.

"Hey." Jungkook said and kissed Namjoon on the cheek. He took his jacket and shoes off. They walked into the living room where Jungkook became stunned. On the floor blankets were layed out with pillows. The only light in the room was candles and fairy lights. He turned around to Namjoon with shining eyes.

"You did all this?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah. Do you like it?" Namjoon asked and bit his lip.

"Are you kidding? I love it." Jungkook said and kissed Namjoon. Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jungkook's lower back while Jungkook put his arms around Namjoon's neck.

"I thought we could eat a nice meal and see where it goes from there. Sounds good?" Namjoon said with a undertone of lust.

"Sounds perfect." Jungkook said. "But just out of curiosity, did you make the food?" Namjoon laughed.

"No of course not. Jin helped me." Jin was Namjoon's roomate but luckly he was out for the night.

"Just making sure." Jungkook smiled. A while later they were sitting close on the blankets eating. They were feeding each other while having a nice conversation. It was romantic and they enjoyed every part of it. When they were done they put the dishes in the sink, making a deal to clean it the day after. They settled on the blankets again, they were lying on their sides, looking in each others eyes.

"Did I tell you how good you look tonight?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook blushed.


"Well you do. You look really good." Namjoon said and moved closer. It made butterflies fly around in Jungkook's stomach. They only had sex a couple of times before so it was still very new to Jungkook, since Namjoon was his first.

"You look really good too." Jungkook whispered breathless because Namjoon was so close. Jungkook leaned a little closer and Namjoon finished the distance between their lips. Their lips worked in sync. Their tounges danced around until Namjoon took the lead. Namjoon's hand gently went down Jungkook's body. Jungkook moved slightly so Namjoon could put his hand in his pants. Jungkook did the same to Namjoon. Both of their bodies worked as if they were one. Namjoon took his hand out of Jungkook's pants and made Jungkook did the same. He shifted so he was hovering over Jungkook. He kissed Jungkook's neck and removed his shirt so he could kiss his chest and stomach. Jungkook felt ecstatic with every kiss. He pulled at Namjoon's shirt. Namjoon took it off and Jungkook let his fingers go over his chest, he bit his lips. Then Jungkook pulled Namjoon down again and kissed him passionate. It suprised Namjoon since Jungkook was still shy when it got intimate. Namjoon kissed down to Jungkook's ear and whispered in a husky voice.

"Want to try something new?" Jungkook trused Namjoon completly so he nodded. Namjoon moved so he could remove Jungkook's pants and underwear. He looked at Jungkook, who looked at him with big eyes. Namjoon took him in his mouth. Jungkook was hit by pleasure. He hadn't tried that before but it sure felt good. Namjoon bobbed his head making moans come out of Jungkook's mouth. Namjoon stopped when Jungkook's moaned slightly louder. He kissed Jungkook on the mouth.

"You liked that?" Namjoon asked.

"I loved it." Jungkook said, still not over the pleasure.

"Good." Namjoon said.

"But now I want you." Jungkook said with slightly red cheeks.

"Don't be embarresed." Namjoon said. He kissed Jungkook and took his own pants and underwear off. He found the lube and put a lot on himself and in Jungkook. He positioned himself.

"Ready baby?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook nodded and Namjoon put himself in. Moans filled the room as Namjoon thrusted in and out. He always went slow to begin with since it was still new to Jungkook. He adjusted Jungkook's legs a litte so he could come futher in. Jungkook was lost in a world where they were the only existing. Jungkook begged Namjoon to go faster so he speeded up and thrusted in a fast and steady pace. Jungkook put his hands on Namjoon's upper arms. It felt good but it felt beyond amazing as Namjoon began to hit Jungkook's soft spot. Jungkook couldn't control his moans or the words that sometimes would ecsape his lips. Hearing how Jungkook sounded made Namjoon come closer to his high too. Both of their stomachs tighten up as they reached their high and came. Jungkook was breathless as Namjoon pulled out. He helped Jungkook put underwear on before putting his own on. He lay beside Jungkook, putting one of the blankets over them and pulled him closer.

"This time was the best time yet." Jungkook said and smiled.

"Really?" Namjoon asked and let his hand stroke Jungkook's back.

"Yes by far."

"Well I'm happy you think so." Namjoon said. They lay a bit in silence before decided to watch a movie. They found a movie and cuddled close. At the end of the movie Jungkook had fallen asleep and Namjoon quietly turned it off before falling asleep too, feeling relaxed and happy.

Hey just a quick question..when I write smut would you prefer that I say 'penis' or 'member' I got some comments recently so I'm just wondering if you would prefer me to say 'penis?"

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