Namseok (sweet)

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Namjoon was at at a party and everything was great. Everybody was happy and enjoying themselves. Namjoon was there with his best friend Jin, they were both pretty drunk, Namjoon more than Jin. When the party was over and they couldn't possible drink anymore for the pure fear of passing out right on the spot, Jin called their friend Hoseok. He said that if they needed it he would pick them up. He was always very procting towards his friends but especially Namjoon. When they jumped in the car they were both very loud, making Hoseok frown.

"Put on your seatbealts." Hoseok said when they finally quiet down a bit. They did as they were told.

"Good party?" Hoseok asked and looked into the rearview mirror.

"Yo man it was dope." Namjoon said. He always had a funny way of speaking when he was that drunk.

"I'm glad you had fun." Hoseok said and let the two of them talk and laugh about things that happend during the night. He dropped Jin off first, helping him inside. He passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow. Next was Namjoon. He was sitting in the backseat quietly singing a song. Hoseok would sometimes look in the rearview mirror and admire him. He had, had a crush on him for a long time but never dared to admit it. When they finally arrived to Namjoon's, Hoseok helped him inside. As soon as they walked in a hand flew to Namjoon's mouth and he ran to the bathroom. Hoseok sighed before going to his dresser and finding some new clothes. He went to the bathroom and rubbed Namjoon's back. When he was done puking Hoseok told him to clean up and get changed. He found something for him to drink to get the taste out. Namjoon washed his mouth and took the drink, feeling better. When he lay in bed Hoseok sat next to him caring his cheek. Namjoon hummed sastisfied.

"You know what?" Namjoon suddenly said.

"No what's up?" Hoseok asked the still very drunk Namjoon.

"I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember." Namjoon slurred his words while Hoseok's heart beated fast.

"Are you saying that because you're drunk?" Hoseok asked.

"No! I like you! I like when you smile. I like when you laugh. I like when you talk. I like when you dance. I just really really like you." Namjoon said and giggled which wasn't like him. "Oh but schhh don't tell Hoseok, he dosn't know."

"Why don't you tell him?" Namjoon sighed deeply.

"I'm not sure he likes me back and I don't want to ruin our friendship." Namjoon sounded sad.

"I think you should tell him." Hoseok said.

"Maybe." Namjoon said and tasted the word. He had closed eyes doing all of this and started to drift off to sleep. Hoseok decided to get up and leave but Namjoon grabbed his hand.

"Hey Hoseok when did you come?" Namjoon asked drowsy. Hoseok's heart sank a bit, he wasn't going to remember confessing.

"I've been here for a while." Hoseok said and Namjoon looked confused.

"Please stay." He said and closed his eyes again.

"Okay I'll be in the living room." Hoseok said but he held tighter around his hand.

"No next to me." Namjoon said. Hoseok decided to just do it. He laid next to Namjoon on the bed. Namjoon swung his arms and legs around him and held him tightly. Hoseok sighed, he wished he would do this when he was sober too. A little while later Hoseok fell alseep too.
The next morning Hoseok was in the kitchen making breakfast. His mind hadn't stopped racing about last night events. He was almost done with breakfast when Namjoon came out in the kitchen looking like hell.

"Man I am trashed." Namjoon said in a husky voice. His clothes was wrinkled and his hair was pointing out in a mess.

"Here." Hoseok said and gave him some pills and juice.

"Thanks." Namjoon said after taking them. Hoseok's heart seemed to fall deeper down by the second. He really didn't remember. Namjoon said something about taking a shower and left. Hoseok sighed and continued with the food.
When Namjoon came back he looked like he was wondering about something.

"Hey last night when you picked me up and I were lying in bed. Did I tell you something?" Namjoon asked hesitent.

"Like what?" Hoseok asked heart racing.

"Something that might change our friendship?" Namjoon asked. Hoseok didn't really know what to do. He could tell him what he said and maybe he meant it or maybe he just said it because he was drunk.

"You-Y-I-" Hoseok didn't know what to say.

"I did didn't I? Oh God Hoseok I-" Hoseok cut him off.

"Don't apologize."

"I wasn't going to. Do you want me to?"


"Do you like me back?"

"Yes." The two boys stared at each other. They had just confessed their feelings but none of them knew what to do.

"I-I'm not sure what comes next." Hoseok said honest.

"I'll show you." Namjoon said. He smiled and walked over to Hoseok. He pulled him in and kissed his lips. It was sweet and felt so right. Both of them had been waiting to do this for the longest time.

"Should I ask you to be my boyfriend now or wait until I get drunk again?" Namjoon laughed.

"I prefer now." Hoseok said.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend."


"Good." Hoseok smiled.

"Come on I made breakfast." Hoseok said. Namjoon ate it before he pulled Hoseok closer to him on the couch. They stayed like that watching tv the whole day.

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