Chapter 17

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~Tyron's P.O.V~

It all happened suddenly. I was just about to drift off to sleep with Blu by my side when the shrieking cries echoed through the sky. I was instantly at my feet, looking to the sky in slight fear, wondering what could have made such a noise. Than fire rained down from the sky, and true fear hit me. It was a dragon, another one, and this time it didn't exactly look friendly.

I watched as Aaron used his water magic to quickly put out any burning soldiers. He called out to them, rallying them near him as they got ready for another dragon attack. It came back down, diving toward the soldiers and letting out another blast of yellow fire, which Aaron blocked with a wall of water.

"Tyron!" Blu's voice snapped me out of my trance, "What's happening?"

I narrowed my eyes at the sky as I saw the black form of this creature pass over us, illuminated by the moon. It roared out a screeching challenge, the sound piercing my ears, causing me to growl softly in pain, taking a step back and shaking my head. The downside of enhanced hearing was the fact that it was far easier for sound to hurt.

With a snarl I opened my wings, ignoring Blu's warning shout, and leaping into the air toward this enemy dragon. I sped up, charging upwards and opening my mouth, letting out a torrent of my own red fire, bathing the surprised creature it. It went silent for a moment and I closed my maw, for a moment thinking that maybe it had been killed. But that thought quickly left me as a claw lashed out from the dying fire, striking me across the jaw and creating three long gashes along it and down my neck.

This time it was my turn to screech, flailing backwards as pain spiked through my skull and down my neck. Before I had a chance to react the other dragon's tail whipped around, smashing across my wing and tearing it open, and I fell. A roar escaped my mouth as I struggled with my good wing to slow the fall, but it didn't work too well. I spiralled to the ground, unable to do anything.

"Tyron!" I heard my mate scream in tears.

Something caught me from below with a large grunt as Blu struggled to stop, or at least slow my descent. We landed heavily on the ground, me groaning in pain as blood dripped from my face and wing. The dragon above us shrieked again, though this time it sounded like laughter.

"Is this all you got?" It yelled, "So much for the 'heroes'."

It screeched as water whipped it's body. "Get out of here you foul beast!" I hear Aaron shout.

It rose higher into the air, out of range of the tower of water Aaron had created around the soldiers. More whips of water sprouted out and start to move like tentacles of an octopus. The dragon roared out in annoyance and attempted another dive, but every time it did Aaron's tower prevented it from getting close. I looked over at the wizard, his face contorted in the effort it required to keep something like this up. Tabitha stood beside him, aiming with her bow. She fired, and it was instantly followed by a cry of pain from the dragon above, the arrow running straight through the tendons and muscle at its wing joint. It wouldn't take it out of the air, but it would make flying a little more painful.

"Try take it to the ground!" she yelled, "We can kill it than. Blu, can you give us a little help in the air. I'll look after Tyron."

He hesitated, looking at me. I nodded to him, "I'll be fine, just be careful. It's got a sharp tail and it's fast. Don't let it get your wings."

I grunted as I got to my feet. He turned and looked to the sky, before flapping his wings and sending himself into the air. He was a lot more weary than I was, making sure to approach the other dragon slowly. I watched, my heart in my throat. I knew, as much as I didn't want to admit it, out of the two of us Blu was probably the better fighter. It was mainly because he had had ten years to get used to a dragon's body, while I had only had a week.

Flame trilogy; book one: Blue FlameWhere stories live. Discover now