Power Rangers Samurai/Megaforce The loss of 2 Megaforce Rangers Chapter 3

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When Gia walks out of Emma's temporary room, Ji, Emily, Mia, and Mike walk in.
"Hey Emma how's your head feeling", asks Mike.
"I've been better", says Emma.
"Hey Emma, are you hungry by any chance", asks Kevin.
"Yes, it's been at least six hours since I last ate something", says Emma.
"With Ji's permission, we'd like to take you and Gia out to lunch", says Mia.
"I'm in", says Emma.
"Me too", says Gia.
Ji walks into the room.
"Sorry I didn't call you Ji. The seven of us were talking", says Jayden.
"Well then. Emily, Mia, Mike, Kevin, and Jayden the five of you can take Emma and Gia out, but if I call that means there's a nylock", says Ji.
"Can do", says Mike.
"Wait a minute", says Emily.
"What's up Emily", asks Mia.
"Gia needs a morpher too", says Emily.
Ji walks out of his room with another morpher, that he hands to Gia.
"What's this Ji", asks Gia.
"The Samuraizer with the element of Ice", says Ji.
"I though mine was snow and ice", asks Emma.
"Emma yours is snow", says Ji.
"And Gia's is ice", asks Emma.
"Yes", says Ji.
"Ow", says Emma.
"Emma you okay", asks Jayden.
"No, ow, it's my arm", says Emma.
"Ji, it's your call", says Jayden.
"Get Emma to the emergency room", says Ji.
"We're on it", says Jayden.
"Lets take the horses", says Jayden.
Jayden creates his horse, while Emily, Mia, Kevin, and Mike do there's.
"Kevin, can you do mine", asks Gia.
"Sure", says Kevin.
Kevin uses Gia's morpher to create her horse.
Gia has a gray andalusian, Emma rides on Jayden's horse with him, which is a beautiful all white horse, Mia and Kevin have black colored horses, and finally Emily and Mike have liver chestnut colored horses.
They ride all the way to the emergency room, where Gia sees her mom.
"Momma", says Gia.
"Gia what are you doing here", asks Gia's mom Claire.
"Emma's injured. Also let me introduce my new friends Jayden, Mike, Emily, Kevin, and Mia", says Gia.
"What's wrong with Emma", asks Gia's mom Claire.
"Arm injury", says Gia.
"What's wrong with her head", asks Gia's mom Claire.
"Do you remember Troy", asks Gia.
"Yes I do why", asks Claire.
"He attacked her, by hitting her head at least three times", says Gia.
Gia, Emily, Mike, Mia, and Kevin dismount.
"Emma come on", says Jayden.
"My head", says Emma before she blacks out.
Jayden dismounts and carries Emma all the way inside where Emma's admitted.
"May I go with her", asks Jayden.
"Yes, you can", says Claire.
Emma's put on the top floor so she can see the ocean and the city.
"You can go in now", says Claire.
Jayden walks into Emma's room, where he sees the view.
"Emma please wake up", says Jayden in a whisper.
"Jayden, what happened", asks Emma.
"You blacked out", says Jayden.
"Where's the others at", asks Emma.
"Waiting for you to wake up", says Jayden.
"Please call them", says Emma.

Power Rangers Samurai/Megaforce The loss of two Megaforce rangersWhere stories live. Discover now