Power Rangers Samurai/Megaforce the loss of 2 Megaforce Rangers Chapter 6

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When Emily, Mia, Gia, Mike, and Kevin arrive back at the hospital they see Emma being discharged from the hospital.

"Jayden is Emma going home", asks Gia.

"Yes she is", says Jayden.

"Wait a minute. Why is Emma being allowed to go home", asks Kevin.

"She's healing nicely, but her arm will be in a sling for a few weeks", says Jayden.

Emma walks out in a pair of pink jeans, a white top, a denim jacket, and a pair of brown boots.

"Wow Emma you look great", says Jayden.

"Thanks Jayden", says Emma.

"Lets go home", says Jayden.

Emma sits down in a wheel chair and gets wheeled down to the ground floor where the SUV is waiting.

Jayden opens up the back SUV door for Emma.

"Thank you Jayden", says Emma.

"Welcome Emma", says Jayden.

Jayden, Emma, and Emily get into the SUV, while Gia, Mike, Mia, and Kevin ride their horses all the way back to the Sheba House.

While in the SUV, Jayden and Emma kiss and then they hear Emily move, so they stop kissing.

"I saw that, but the others want to rat you two out to Ji for loving each other", says Emily.

"Sorry about that Emily", says Emma.

"It's okay Emma, just don't let Ji find out", says Emily.

When they arrive at the Sheba house Jayden, Emma, and Emily step inside to see no one inside.

"Ji you here", asks Jayden.

When there's no answer. Jayden, Emily, and Emma split up to look for Ji.

"I found something", calls Emma.

"What is it", asks Jayden.

"There's a note here from Ji", says Emma.

"What does it say", asks Emily.

"Went on a vacation. I'll be back soon. Love Ji", says Emma.

"That's not like him", says Jayden.

"Wait a minute. This is Troy's handwriting", says Emma.

"Troy, the other red ranger", asks Emily.

"Yep. If they were here then they would leave some sort of sign", says Emma.

"I found something", says Emily from the meeting room.

Emma and Jayden arrive in the room to see a few droplets of blood on the floor.

"Call Kevin now", says Jayden.

Emily calls Kevin to tell him about the situation at the Sheba House.

Emma hears a groan come from the backyard.

Emma opens the back door to see Ji. She screams at the top of her voice.

"Jayden", yells Emma.

Jayden sees the backdoor open.

"Emma you there", asks Jayden.

"Yes and I found Ji", says Emma.

Jayden grabs a first aid kit and he finds Emma trying to keep Ji warm.

"He's gone", says Emma whose in tears.

Kevin, Mike, Mia, and Gia arrive to see Emily, Jayden, and Emma in the backyard with Ji's body.

"He's gone", says Jayden whose holding Emma with one arm.

Mia has tears in her eyes as well as Emily. Mike holds Emily and Kevin holds Mia closely as the two of them are sobbing.

"I'm sorry about Ji, even though I barely knew him he treated me with care", says Gia whose beginning to cry.

Jayden, Mike, and Kevin hear a thud come from inside.

"Gia stay here with Emily, Mia, and Emma", says Jayden.

Jayden, Mike, Kevin go inside to see Troy, Noah, and Jake. So they grab their spin swords and they begin to attack Troy, Jake, and Noah.

"What is going on in there", asks Gia.

Gia walks inside to see Troy, Jake, and Noah attacking Jayden, Mike, and Kevin.

"Enough", yells Gia.

The guys stop and see Gia, Mia, Emily, and Emma standing with swords out.

"Troy, Noah, and Jake how did you find us. We never want to see you for ever again", says Emma.

Troy runs over by Emma where he grabs her bad arm and twists it, never letting go.

"Owwwwww", yells Emma.

Jayden stands up and says,"Get away from her!"

"Why? She's a stubborn girl with nothing to lose", says Troy.

"I do have something to lose. Look around you Troy. Standing before is my family, Gia, Emily, Mia, Mike, Kevin, and my true love Jayden", says Emma in pain.

Jayden sneaks up behind Troy and punches him in the elbow and spine.

"Now if you ever lay a hand on Emma ever again. I will handle you personally", says Jayden angrily.

Troy, Noah, and Jake leave by warping back to HQ where Tensui is waiting.

Power Rangers Samurai/Megaforce The loss of two Megaforce rangersWhere stories live. Discover now