Power Rangers Samurai/Megaforce the loss of 2 Megaforce Rangers Chapter 7

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When Troy, Jake, and Noah arrive back at HQ Gosei asks,"Troy why did you attack the other rangers?"

Troy just feels bad all of a sudden. Noah and Jake share a look.

"We're sorry Gosei. We didn't want to hurt the others, but it was a three man vote", says Noah.

"Troy, don't let it happen again", says Gosei.

"Yes Gosei", says Troy.

Back at the Sheba House, the rangers are picking up the mess that was created by Troy, Jake, and Noah. When they finish, Jayden and an injured Emma head outside where they try to enjoy each others company, but it doesn't last long. Jayden then spots Emma on the verge of tears. He places his arm on her right shoulder and he then hugs her.

"Will you be okay Emma", asks Jayden.

"Yeah, it's just if I see Troy again he's dead to me", says Emma.

"Don't be angry Emma. We'll deal with him together", says Jayden.

Emma then winces in pain as Jayden touches her bad arm.

"Lets get you inside", says Jayden.

Emma walks inside, where Emily puts Emma's sling back on her.

"Thanks Emily", says Emma.

"You're welcome. If you need anything you know where my room is", says Emily.

"Okay", says Emma.

Emma leans into Jayden's chest and she starts crying her eyes out.

"It'll be okay Emma. You'll always be safe with me", says Jayden.

Emma just keeps on crying her eyes out. Jayden then feels Emma go limp. Jayden picks Emma up bridal style and he carries her to his room, where he has Emily take care of Emma. Jayden gets Mike, Kevin, and Mia together and he tells them about an idea he has.

"Are you serious Jayden. We need a whole lot of tech and abilities to take them down", says Mike.

"I know, but did you see what happened to Emma. That was not even her fault. They kicked her out of the team and they think that they'll get away with it. I don't think so", says Jayden.

"We agree Jayden, but violence is never the answer", says Mia.

Mia, Mike, Kevin, and Jayden make a plan to attack the Megaforce rangers. They leave the Sheba House and they find the Megaforce rangers in the city.

"Hey Troy! We need to talk", says Jayden.

Mike, Kevin, and Mia join Jayden and they get into a staredown with Noah, Jake, and Gia. Troy and Jayden then give each other the look and then that's when fist fly. Troy swings and he hits Jayden in the face. Kevin then pushes Troy back and Mike does a roundhouse kick and Troy falls to the ground.

"If you ever touch our leader again, we'll take you and your gang out", says Mia in an angry tone.

Gia then swings at Mia, but she does it while giving Mia the "dodge it" look and Mia dodges it after getting the look.

"Oh that's it, you're asking for it bitch", says Mia as she fake swings at Gia.

Kevin, Mike, and Jayden look at Mia, in shock, because they've never heard her curse before. Mike and Jayden hold Mia back while Noah and Jake do the same to Gia. Kevin has to look into Mia's eyes in order for her to calm down. Gia breaks free and she runs towards Mia, but that's when Emily and Emma show up, with some backup. (The backup is Emma's old friends from Harwood County High.) Emma has a pure look of hatrid in her eyes as she looks at Troy, Jake, and Noah. She then sees a giant bruise on Jayden's face and she kicks Troy where she shouldn't.

"That's for hurting Jayden. So next time you better watch your back", says Emma.

"You know what Emma. We'll see you at school and you better watch your back", says Troy as he stands up.

"You know what Troy. I hate to see my best friend get hurt, but you don't realize who you're dealing with", says Gia.

Mia nods and says, "Gia's been undercover for us for a while. You three are a threat. So guess what you guys are through."

Emma and her ten friends smile and Emily hugs Emma and one of Emma's friends named Cleo Setori asks, "Emma we have a question to ask. Would you join our cheerleading squad?'

Emily nods and that's when the other Samurai Rangers walk up. Emily nods and she tells the guys what's going on. Emma thinks for a second and says, "I'd love to, but if Emily was a student I'd want her to join to."

"We can help with that", says Jayden.

Emma then says, "I'm in."

Jayden collapses and Emma runs over to him. Emily then has Kevin and Mike prop Jayden up between them. Emma then says, "We'll see you girls tomorrow."

"Be safe Emma", says Cleo.

"We will", says Emma.

Emma, Emily, Mia, and Gia with Jayden being propped up between Kevin and Mike walk back to the Sheba House, where Emma takes care of Jayden. Everybody leaves Jayden and Emma alone, while Jayden's unconscious, Kevin and Mike call Emily's mom, who gives written permission to join Emma's high school. Emily's mom hand delivers it to the Sheba House. Around five p.m. Emma walks out of the infirmary, where she sees Emily and her mom talking. Emma heads to the kitchen, where she finds some food in the fridge. It's some Italian and Chinese Food. Emma grabs it and she warms it up. As she heads back to Jayden's room, she notices that Jayden's awake. Emma smiles and she walks up to Jayden with a plate in each hand. Emma has tears in her eyes and Jayden sees her kneel down and he wipes the tears off of Emma's cheeks.

"Hey love. What happened", asks Jayden.

"Well after Troy hit you, Mike and Kevin attacked him and my friends showed up and you collapsed after that and as of tomorrow Emily and I are going to school together. It was Emily's mom's orders", says Emma.

"I feel fine though. I just want you and Emily to be safe and promise me you'll keep in touch with me", says Jayden.

"I promise", says Emma.

Emma hands Jayden his food and he and Emma eat together. Emma falls asleep after she puts and cleans both dishes in the kitchen. As Emma falls asleep curled up to Jayden, she's dreaming about her new friends and her Samurai teammates.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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Power Rangers Samurai/Megaforce The loss of two Megaforce rangersWhere stories live. Discover now