Chapter 14

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Mark's POV-
He's gone, he's really gone. I dropped to my knees and cried, cried more than I ever have. "What happened to them?" I heard Finn whisper "some pretty serious shit." Millie whispered, I really want to turn around and yell at all of them, to get some of the anger inside of me out, but I didn't.

I just stood up, wiped my tears and turned to them and said "do not bother me, I don't care what happens, I swear if you try to talk to me you will get yelled at." Millie had fear in her eyes, she's seen me when I'm mad, and it's not pretty,

I went to Jack's room and closed the door, and punched the wall. "Why does this kind of crap always happen to me?" I said to myself as I slid down the door and cried into my knees.

I've been through five boyfriends, and the exact same thing happened to me in all of them. They think I don't love them, I try to tell them I do, they end up saying that we are over and running out of my house.

I stood up and opened the door and walked back out. Millie backed away from me as I walked to the front door. I opened it, and saw Jack crying on the porch. I wiped my eyes, even though tears were still streaming down my face, and I sat down next to him when I closed the door.

"G-go away Mark." Jack said "Jack, I told you the truth, I love you, and I always have, I have never stopped loving you for one second." As soon as I said that he clinged to me and cried, and cried, and cried, into my shoulder.

(Okay, I need to get back to Millie and Finn, so let's say, Jack and Mark made up, and Millie is ten weeks along)

Millie's POV-
I told Felix and Cry, they were supportive, it was just awkward when Cry made me go to the store with him to buy clothes that will actually fit me.

I'm starting to show a little, so Mark let me borrow one of his sweaters that didn't even fit him it was so big. I also love the sweater, it's so warm. I don't know why he let me have a sweater so big, but I'm keeping it, even after I have this baby.

Oh yeah, Mark is now suddenly living with us. Anyway, Felix dropped me off at school and I walked in and Finn immediately found his way by my side.

I planned on telling him today. I was terrified. "Hey there bebe." He said "hiiiiii." I said and he laughed a little. Noah all the sudden appeared by Finn. "Finn, we need to talk, like, now." He said sternly. I gave Noah the 'I swear to god if you say anything' look.

"It's not about you, or anyone but him." Noah said, I just remembered I never asked why he got kicked out.

"What do you want Noah?" Finn said "I want to know why you got in the middle of my conversation with mom." Noah said "because Noah, I saw how mad she was, and I've learned the hard way of what happens when she's really mad, I don't care if I got kicked out, I cared if something happened to you, because believe me, something would've happened to you," Finn said.

"Look, I didn't need your help, I didn't need anyone's help, that was between me and mom, and only me and mom." Noah said "then why did you bring me into it, I heard you say something about me, and I know what that conversation was about, so why'd you bring me into it?" Finn said and Noah's face turned to pure guilt.

"I swear to god Noah! I told you not to tell anyone, you promised not to tell anyone!" I said madly "I'm sorry." Noah mumbled "Noah, answer me, don't try to avoid it, because I know what you do when you try to avoid a question you don't want to answer." Finn said "can I?" Noah said "no, I planned on it today, then he'll know and you don't have to say anything." I said, now I want to know what the conversation he had with his mom was about, and why he had to tell her about me and Finn. And what Finn said to get kicked out.

"Finn, you will know later why he brought you into the conversation, so don't keep asking him, because I will tell you, later, and by later I mean at home," I said.

"I know alright, I heard everything Noah said, I've been waiting for you to tell me, but you didn't. I know everything." Finn said, I was speechless, I was so scared to tell him, but he already knew.

Noah gave me the 'I'm so sorry' look, but I didn't say anything, I was to caught up in my own thoughts to know what to say.

"You know, I actually thought I could trust you to tell me everything, but apparently I can't." Finn said with tears in his eyes, by now a crowd formed around us.

"I was going to tell you Finn, I was going to tell you tonight, I just had to get through my family first," I started "telling them was much harder than telling you, even if I didn't tell you, I know it was harder, I basically ruined a relationship when I told Jack, when I told Cry and Felix, they didn't speak to me for awhile, but they were supportive, now I'm wondering if you will be." I finished "of course I will be, I'm just a little mad that you didn't tell me right when you found out." He said "I didn't tell anyone right when I found out." I said and Noah cleared his throat "what, what, just what? I know what happened that day, but right now it doesn't matter." I said "I found out a day after she did." He said, great, why does everyone have to tell everyone what I want to tell everyone?

"What?!" Finn said "I found it in the trash, she took it at our house, and I found it." He said "Noah, I said I would tell him everything, but you did, if I seriously can't tell the people I love by myself, I surely won't be able to tell anybody else, and probably get through life!" I said madly "hey! Hey! Knock it off!" The principle said "why would you even come to my house if you were mad at me, and ask me to stay?" I said "because, you were the only person left."

(Horrible, horrible, absolutely horrible ending, but I needed to update this story, also, thanks for a thousand views, but I was going to update on Friday but I got really sick, I'm not sick now, and I also had writers block, but anyway, I hope you liked it, bye!)

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