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We are all playing a game. But I think you guys already know this because it's called life. But we all have our own beginnings and endings. Our beginning meaning when we were first born and ending meaning our last breath. My beginning was being born with a twin brother who ruins everything for me. Putting me to a point were I have low self esteem. You try to stay strong for so long but just break at the end. We all break from time to time but I stay broken. I'm not violent to anyone physical or mental expect my brother. He is the only one who can bring out my demons in me. Once it's out it won't go away. I have a horrible side of me that should have never came out. But it did. But let's get to the point of this story. We go through things that we shouldn't go through in life. Some people just don't want to fight anymore and just give up. I'm fighting my demon right now. I'm trying to control it so my anger dosent trun into something more aggressive. We all have to fight sometime, and after the fight we can be left in peace.

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