
492 19 3

Natasha is connected
Steve is connected
Bucky is connected
Thor is connected
Loki is connected
Rocket is connected
Vision is connected
Tony is connected
Wanda is connected

Natasha: Ehmmh Wanda

Wanda: Yes?


Wanda: Did something happen?

Natasha: Well you sent me a picture

Wanda:... when?

Natasha: Like...a second ago

Wanda: But I was talking with Vision... OH MY GOSH. I AM SO SORRY NAT, PLEASE DON'T SEE IT

Natasha: ... it's a bit too late for that >.<

Bucky: What is it?

Natasha: Wanda demonstrating her Photoshop skills

Rocket: Her what? A shop of photos???

Steve: It's a computer program of some sort

Rocket: Damn it, I'm starting to sound like Drax...

Tony: Rogers, I love it when you get technologic

Tony: Rogers, I love it when you get technologic

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Vision: What was the picture?

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Vision: What was the picture?

Natasha: 😂 wanna see??

Wanda: Plis no



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Tony: O.o

Steve: .___.

Thor: ;D



Natasha: 😂😂😂

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Natasha: 😂😂😂


Wanda: ... crap my phone broke and doesn't work

Loki: How are you typing?

Wanda: ajaoihebakqisbne+28#ahwbsjwl

Wanda has disconnected

Bucky: Wanda is a pervert!

Steve: that SpongeBob?

Natasha: Yes

Steve: e.O

Tony: What about him?

Steve: I won't be able to look at SpongeBob without thinking of that .___.

Thor: 😂😂

Heimdall: Really disturbing

Bucky: Yep

Tony: I'm gonna send it to Pep

Vision: 😐

Tony: crap

Natasha: What?

Tony: I didn't send it to Pep

Steve: Who did you send it to?

Tony: Fury ._.

Thor: .________.

Bucky: Who?


Loki: Well that is just fantastic


Thor: I can explain that

FURYTHEFURIOUS: Save it, I don't give a damn f*** but I ain't gonna be there for you ungrateful people when Loki becomes evil again

Steve: It's good to see you too Fury

FURYTHEFURIOUS: What the hell is this?

Natasha: A chatroom


Bucky: Sarcasm?

FURYTHEFURIOUS: 😑, I thought you all tried to kill each other

Tony: We did

FURYTHEFURIOUS: And now you are friends again?

Vision: It would appear so

FURYTHEFURIOUS: Moments like this I am grateful of my retirement

I know it's short and probably boring but I want to keep updating the story, if you have any requests let me know....

Also!!! ...yes self promo, sorry (not sorry) My new story is titled "The Marvel Academy for gifted students" is sort of school/high school/ university...ish thing with all the Avengers, X-men, Guardians, Fantastic Four and others! It's gonna be great! I've only uploaded chapter I so if you want me to keep writing I'll do!!

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