Chicken are evil

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RobinHill is connected
IronPoop is connected
Antlover is connected
Vision is connected
Mockingjay is connected

RobinHill: Guys do you know what happened to Wanda and Nat?

IronPoop: What do you mean?

RobinHill: They played a prank on Steve and haven't answered my calls or texts

Vision:Oh, I did hear a scream coming from Wanda's bedroom

Mockingjay: Yeah, but it was Steve

Antlover: Captain America screams like a girl?

IronPoop: Yeah :') the first time I heard him was when we all reunited in my house and played Slender man!!!

RobinHill: I wasn't invited...

IronPoop: Well it was: Legen...wait for it... dary! Thor almost cried xD

RobinHill: You are never going to let go the fact that I played Robin, right?

Vision: I am afraid not

Mockingjay: I haven't seen Nat or Steve but I think I saw Wanda flying outside

Antlover: Does everyone fly?

Vision: No, only Stark, Sam, Wanda, Thor, and I do

RobinHill: Guys focus, we need to find Steve and Nat

IronPoop: How are we supposed to do that? And could you please change my username Vision?

Antlover: You can change usernames?

Vision: I will

ManOfIron: Really? You know what, it's fine, Thor used to call me like this

Sam: thanks, although I had no problem with my other username...

CaptainSparkle is connected

RobinHill: Steve!!!

CaptainSparkle: It's Nat

Sam: What are you doing with Steve's phone?

CaptainSparkle: He took mine so I stole his

Vision: Where is Wanda?

CaptainSparkle: Making sure Steve gives me my phone back

Sam: Why was she flying?

CaptainSparkle: That isn't important

ManOfIron: Romanoff...

CaptainSparkle: She's taking him for a ride

RobinHill: You are becoming a bad influence for Maximoff

TheTwin is connected

TheSpy is connected

TheTwin: Natasha, Steve says he will only give you your phone if you return him his

TheSpy: And you better not be checking it!!

ManOfIron: Hello Cap, enjoyed the ride?

TheSpy: No!! I threw up twice -.-

TheTwin: And its on my shoe ._.

Scott: Ewww

CaptainSparkle: Fine I'll give it to you

TheSpy: Thanks

CaptainSparkle: Meet me at the kitchen

TheSpy is disconnected
CaptainSparkle is disconnected

RobinHill: What exactly happened yesterday?

TheTwin: We put a bucket full of honey on the door frame so it fell on Steve and Nat did some research and found out that he is scared of chicken so we got a chicken and it's my new pet :) guess who found him??? :P

Scott: Why did he took the spy's phone?

TheTwin: We didn't lock Nat's door on time so he got in and took her movile, we had been looking for him all the morning and then made sure he returned the phone

Vision: That sounds dangerous

ManOfIron: Pep did that to me once, but it was a huge dog instead of a chicken

Sam: What's the name of the chicken?

TheTwin: Steve

ManOfIron: Cause he is blond?

TheTwin: No, cause he makes the same noise Stve does when he's scared

Sam: Wait... did Steve just screamed or was it your chicken?

TheSpy is connected

TheSpy: LOL Steve is going to kill me

RobinHill: What did you do this time Nat?

TheSpy: I might have invited Steve's (Wanda's pet) friends to come have a party in Rogers bedroom xD

CaptainSparkle is connected


ManOfIron: I would but I am in London

Sam: I am leaving

RobinHill: Fury needs me

TheTwin: You told me to never go back to your room

TheSpy: I am watching TV

Scott: I am not there

Vision: I going to the bathroom

CaptainSparkle: GUYS!!! C'MON!!!

ManOfIron: Vis you don't go to th bathroom O.o

Vision: I am aware but I looked on the interner for common excuses and found that

CaptainSparkle: I WILL TAKE MY REVENGE!!!

Legolas is connected

Legolas: Hi :D What did I miss?

TheSpy: Not much

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