Goodbye pt 2 *spoilers*

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Tony is connected
Steve is connected
Bruce is connected
Natasha is connected
Thor is connected
Rhodey is connected
Rocket is connected
Nebula is connected

Tony: I will delete this thing now so um you have my number if you need something

Natasha: don't, we need to stay least what's left of us

Steve: Nat is right, as much as it hurts we need to stay communicated

Tony: okay

Thor: Is it only me that hopes to see the rest of the names?

Steve: No, I do too

Rocket: I always thought this crap was useless but Quill insisted on staying here cause he wanted to be "cool" ha that jerk...I hope you don't mind if I stay here in Earth my... They are all gone

Thor: Do not worry Rocket we will make you feel as if it was your home

Rocket: Thanks muscles

Thor: Yours too Nebula if you wish to

Nebula: I can't, Gamora saved my life even now I must find a way to avenge her

Steve: We will avenge her, all of them, we'll find a way but for now I think we should allow ourselves to mourn

Bruce: Steve is right, it will be more difficult if we don't talk about it so if any of you wants to mourn we will understand and listen

Tony: I had a dream last night, Parker was calling and I just couldn't pick up, I couldn't move I knew he was in danger but I just froze unable to do anything and when I woke up still confused I checked my phone hoping to see his call... then I remembered

Bruce: I'm so sorry Tony, he was a good kid

Natasha: they all were

Steve: I thought that after everything he had been through Buck would finally be at peace and that Sam could catch his breath, I always found their fights annoying but I would give anything to see them bothering each other again

Thor: and I just to tell Loki how much I loved him

Bruce: I never liked him but he changed for good, I'm so sorry Thor

Tony: I never actually sent you the wedding invitations...and neither did Wanda and Vision

Natasha: Those love birds

Tony: even Heimdall...

Thor: It will never be the same without him

Rhodey: Without them

Steve: We'll get Thanos back

Bruce: How?

Steve: I just know we will

Bruce: but how?

Tony: Together

Ah guys, I'm heart broken, I knew some would die but to see so many of them just disappear killed me 😔

I did quick mentions but the truth is that they all broke my heart so...yeah

I don't know if this will be the last chapter...maybe later I'll come back but for now I want to thank all of you for having read this story since the beginning, you have been the reason I continue to write it and we'll thank you guys! <3

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