The Great War

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Artanis was appointed to the position of during the invasion of , following the apparent defection of the previous executor, , to the . To this end, he began by fortifying the base at , once again serving alongside Fenix. Antioch was held against the zerg and a successful counter attack was made.

Artanis' actions pleased his superior, , restoring his faith in the Templar Caste. An interruption by Tassadar however, sending his thoughts from the planet , was not so pleasing. Regardless, Tassadar spoke of what he had learned from the , how striking down the was the key to winning the war against the zerg. Aldaris decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, though Tassadar maintained that he would remain on Char for the time being, returning when the time was right.

Putting Tassadar's suggestion into action, Artanis and his forces held the line against the zerg while Fenix moved his own forces into position for an assault on the 's cerebrate. In this, he was successful, penetrating the hive cluster and striking down the cerebrate. However, after staying behind to observe the brood's actions, Fenix reported that the cerebrate had reincarnated, having seen it with his own eyes, driving its forces forward for the next offensive.

Seething at Tassadar's apparent treachery, Aldaris ordered Artanis to reclaim the province of from the zerg, while Fenix remained behind at Antioch to guard against counterattack. While Artanis was successful in taking back the province, Antioch came under heavy attack in the meantime, Fenix falling in the assault.

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