Quest for the Crystals

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Artanis, Zeratul, Kerrigan and the departed for the planet , where the Uraj was located. Overcoming damage to their , which prevented Artanis' forces from summoning , the protoss defeated the forces there and recovered the crystal.

When the protoss tried to leave Braxis, however, they meet a surprise: the . Vice Admiral had constructed a series of on a over Braxis, which would prevent the protoss from escaping. Stukov demanded the surrender of the protoss.

Artanis was incensed at Stukov's attitude and unimpressed by the arrayed UED forces. Zeratul cautioned against underestimating the enemy. Artanis led the protoss breakout from the front in his . However, the assault bogged down as the UED defended the which powered the turrets, with Zeratul dispatching reinforcements when necessary. With this aid, Artanis destroyed the fusion reactors, shutting down the turrets, allowing the escape of the protoss.

Artanis's next destination was , home of the new and the location of the Khalis Crystal. Unfortunately, the new Overmind had nestled very close to the Khalis, requiring the protoss to fight their way past a large number of zerg in order to recover the crystal.

Kerrigan and Artanis both proposed ways of recovering the crystal. Kerrigan suggested striking hard and fast so as to fight their way through the defenses and escape with the crystal, while Artanis suggested doing enough superficial damage to the Overmind to temporarily pacify the —the new Overmind was still in its infant stage, and it's control over the zerg was still weak. Kerrigan commented that either plan would work. Artanis was humbled when Zeratul compared him to Tassadar for the plan's boldness.

The protoss struck out, assisted by the few zerg Kerrigan was able to wrest control of. The Khalis was secured and Artanis urged a return to Shakuras lest the zerg overwhelm that world in their absence.

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