Chapter 8

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It was almost 7 o'clock when I finished fixing myself. I heard the door bell rang and immediately went down the stairs.

"Mum, I've got to go." I pecked mum's cheek.

"Okay, honey. Stay safe and enjoy." Mum caressed my cheeks.

I went to to the door and met Alex.

"Are you ready Ms. Beautiful?" Alex offered his hand and I took hold of it.

"Yes." I smiled at him and we went to his car.

"Where are we going Alex?" I asked.

"It's a surprise Delly." Alex smiled at me and continued driving.

After 10 more minutes, we stopped in front of a fancy restaurant.

"Alex, you know you don't have to do this." I rubbed his hand.

"It's okay Adele, this night is special..." Alex squeezed my hand and he got out of the car. He went to my side and opened the door for me.

"Thank you very much." Alex offered his hand as I went out of the car.

We went inside the restaurant and got to our table. The waiter came, we ordered out food.

"So how was the school? How is my pretty teacher?" Alex smiled at me.

"Everything's going fine. In fact, next month, my students will be having a recital. You want to come?"

"Of course, I'd love to!" Alex grinned.

I've made my mind earlier that I should totally entertain Alex. He showed how much he loves me and I think that's more than enough for me to trust him and love him too. I should not took hold of my past 'cause it can ruin my future and since Simon seemed to find the love of his life, I think I have to go on with mine too.

Alex and I are almost done eating when he held my hand on the top of the table.

"Adele, babe, I know it may seems too fast for me to take this opportunity, but I can't help it anymore. Each and everyday, I'm thinking about this move. At first, I was a bit anxious of what you may say or do, but now... I'm confident enough to ask you this... My beautiful Adele, will you be my girlfriend?" Alex smiled sweetly to me as he held my hand tight.

How I wish Simon was the one who's telling me this... Wait, what the hell Adele? Move on! Alex loves you, not like Simon.

"Adele?" Alex squeezed my hand a little.

"Oh I'm sorry. Of course Alex!" Alex immediately stood up and went to my side. He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheeks multiple times.

"Woah! Calm down Alex! Lol" I held his hand and made him face me.

"I love you babe! I love you Adele! You made me the happiest man alive!" Alex took my hand and stood me up. He held my waist and hugged me tight.

"Alex, shhh, calm down babe! The people are staring at us, look!" I whispered to Alex and giggled.

"I don't care about them babe lol." After Alex laughed with me he held my face and kissed me. My hands flew into his neck and we were separated to inhale some air.

"I love you babe." Alex told me as my eyes met his'

"And I love you too babe." Alex held my hand and we headed back home.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe, I'll drive you to school. I love you!" Alex unbuckled his seat belt and kissed me.

"Yes sure babe, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you!" With that, I went out of his car and Alex lead me to the door of our house. He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Good night babe." Alex told me before he went home.

I unlock the door and to my surprise, the lights turned on.

"Shit!" I whispered, shocked.

"Oh my God, did I scared you baby?" Mum went to me.

"It's okay mum lol."

"So tell me about that guy. I think with that kiss, he's so in love with my daughter huh?" Mum smirked.

"Guy? Oh, you mean Alex?" I grabbed my mum's hand and we went to the couch.

"So Alex is his name... When did you met him?"

"We attended the same school before mum. And we're dating..." My eyes are focused on the floor.

"And?" Mum held my chin and lifted my face.

"He's my boyfriend now mum..."

"Really? I'm happy for you baby!" Mum's face lighted up and hugged me.

"You know, you always have my support Delly." Mum held my face.

"Thank you mum, thank you for everything. I love you so much mum!" I pecked her cheek.

A/N: I'll end with this. Sorry this is quite shorter compared to the previous chapters. I was so destructed by a drama show on the t.v 😅 I'll make it up to the upcoming next chapters lol. See you x

- A.

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