Chapter 2

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10ks POV:
I begin to stir and my eyes slowly open, the truck has stopped so I'm guessing Warren is sleeping as well. I feel around on my side and I can sense my wound has healed. I look over the side of the truck and we have pulled in on a lay by near a road, there are woods on both sides of the road. It's fall so the branches are nearly bare and the floor has a coating of crunchy, golden leaves.
I grab my rifle and put on the silencer and jump out the side of the truck being careful not to wake Addy who is also in the back. I rub my eyes as I adjust to the light, I look east and the sun has nearly risen. I listen for a rustle in the bushes and head over to the sound. I get down in a low position and throw a rock, it disturbs whatever is in the bush and it runs out. I look down my scope and see a rabbit, I quickly aim and fire. Got it.
I walk over to the animal and pick it up and tie it to my waste, I carry on to do this 2 more times. I head back to the truck and see that Warren and Murphy are awake. I walk over and throw the rabbits at Doc who was still sleeping.
He sits up with a jolt and looks around to see what just hit him, he looks down at his lap and sees the rabbits.
'I'm guessing you caught these then kid'
Doc exclaims.
I nod my head and head back round to the truck bed. I jump in the back and look in my bag for my cloth. I begin to start cleaning my rifle as I haven't cleaned it for a while. I check how many gears I have left for my sling, turns out I have quite a few, 50 at least.
I hear a twig snap in the distance, probably just a Z, I stand up in the back and look to see if I can see anything, nothing. I shrug my shoulders and sit back down, I close my eyes and relax. Barely even 20 seconds had passed before I hear Warren.
'Puppies and Kittens everyone!' She screamed. Addy sat up and grabbed her Z whacker, which I admit I am fairly jealous of but I much prefer my rifle. I jump on top the truck and begin to aim at the Zs. I look down the scope, aim and fire and I repeat until they are all dead. Warren took the last Z and pulled out her machete and cleanly sliced the head off. Not bad, not bad.
'I think it's time we got moving.' Warren decided. She jumped in the seat and we once again began moving. Me and Addy looked across from each other and smiled.
'How long do you think it will take to find Murphy?' She questioned.
'I don't really know, although I bet he's up to mischief' I sighed.
'Yeah that's wouldn't pass me'
A few minutes passed before she talked again.
'If the apocalypse didn't happen what do you think you would be doing now?'
'To be honest I'd probably be doing the same thing I was before, living on the mountains with my dad, fishing and hunting and what not, what about you?' I asked.
'I really don't know, all I know is that I wouldn't of met Mack, and I'm glad I did meet him, even if it wasn't in the best way possible' Addy looked ahead into the distance and I knew I should leave it there.

Authors note:
I have decided to not have Hector or Vasquez in because I will find it hard to fit them in however I might try to add Vasquez in for a short time or Hector whatever you guys all prefer!

It's gonna be okay, kid // 10KWhere stories live. Discover now