Chapter 1:Leaving The Comforts Of Home

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Chapter 1

----------Carisma Pov----------

"Carisma honey, you awake? You should start getting ready for school. I made your favorite breakfast!" That's, ladies and gentleman, is my mom. The kind hearted woman who is currently making chocolate chip pancakes. School, the worst place on earth. I know a lot of people say that but I have a reason to. I just hope one day everything will change.

I took a quick shower and did my morning routine. Then I got dressed in something not too revealing because then people would see the scars. The scars and bruises that I get daily five days a week. Yeah, that's right. I get beat up a school. Even my own pack and brother. I know they are sorry though.

I bet you are wondering, why don't I tell someone? Well when humans are punished it is usually suspension but for werewolfs they would have to go through twice the pain they gave me and I would never wish that sort of pain upon someone.

So, your probably think werewolves? She is a weirdo! But werewolves do exist, I am one. Okay, so that does kind of make me sound like I belong in a asylum but it is true. Now your thinking werewolves have super strength so why couldn't she beat them? Well, and I know this for a fact, I could have everyone feel twice my pain but I don't want that. My wolf and I have always been one for peace.

I walked downstairs and greeted my pack with good mornings and hugs. I sat down next to my brother and ate quickly. I gulped down my milk and grabbed my backpack. I said goodbye and headed of to school. I learned quickly that if I don't get my beatings done early I would be late to class.

Today, was a bit different though. My pack could tell the difference. My posture was slouched, I grunted in pain when someone hugged me a little to tight, and my smile made me look like I had swallowed bees. Everything was starting to catch up to me. Trying to hold the feelings I have had has been proving to make it worse. I'm scared that one of these days I will break. I have a bad feeling though, my wolf was on edge and preferred me not going to school today. I had a feeling today was going to be the worst beating of all. I think today I might just break.

I was definetly not prepared for what they had in store today. As soon as I entered school I was dragged and tied up to one of the trees near the football field. A boy with a devilish smirk on is face pulled up my shirt just below my bra and I saw at least twenty to thirty people with whips in their hand.

After a while I became numb and ignored the pain coursing through my body. I was sobbing and violently shaking. I just can't take this anymore. I have made my decision. Since people think I should just die, I will.

---------- Travis's Pov----------

I couldn't wait to get into the pack house with my family. The plane ride was taking forever and my wolf was on edge with every minute we grew nearer towards our destination.

I had left my home three years back to go to training camp for alphas since I was going to be the next alpha of Evergreen Shadows Pack. All I needed to become the next Alpha was my mate. The person that will make my life whole and complete.

Finally the plane had stopped and I all but ran out of the plane as fast as could. Home, I'm finally going home. I found my luggage after thirty minutes of searching and grabbed a taxi home. I was so excited. By now all of the pack would have gotten back from school so maybe I will be able to catch up with some of my old friends.

I looked out the window and finally saw my gorgeous home. I gave the taxi driver his money and ran to the door. The minute I entered I saw my entire family talking amongst each other. When I closed the door heads turned my way and gasped before people ran up to me hugging the life out of me.

I was suddenly pulled into a trance when I smelt the most enticing scent, Vanilla and ocean breeze. I pulled out of the hug and sniffed out the scent. Many people looked confused and tried to get my attention by calling my name but I was to busy to care. I finally tracked down the scent to a door and blew it open but what is saw surprised me. There sat the most gorgeous girl ever bawling her eyes out, with what looked like bruise marks covering her body, and in her hands lay a knife so close to her vein that you knew what she was trying to do. My mate was trying to commit suicide from, what looked liked he caused of being beat and bullied. Uh yeah, no way in hell was that gonna happen! And in that moment was when my wolf decided to take control.

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