An Alpha's Work Isn't Blues Clues

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Travis' POV
"Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for the beautiful gift I have come home to. Please do note the sarcasm. Now, I found my mate. Does anyone know who it might be? Well-"

"It's me isn't it. Bow down to your Luna," Calyx interrupts. Oh jeez. Puke or nah?

"Shut up Calyx. Your voice is just as annoying as it was when I heard you in the janitors closet screaming like a banshee for pimple faced human Josh. When you were fourteen," I replied. It wasn't a lie either. To think, I actually liked her body back then. Then again, I was a hormonal fourteen year old.

"Now, I would like to introduce my mate and your Luna. Any poisonous words said towards her will put you in the dungeon. Carisma sweetheart," I say and she steps out from behind me. Gasps are echoed and then a deafening squealing from, no surprise, Calyx.

"No, no, no! Your supposed to be my mate. Not this little wanna-be that I use as a punching bag for fun,"Calyx says.

"Beta Alec, please escort her to the dungeons," I command and she goes, kicking and squealing. Well, at least we found one person who hurt my mate. I will find the other main person behind this.

I lightly pull my mate to my side and sneak my arm around her waist, squeezing lightly. She giggles out of surprise and I smile and lean into her ear.

"If that surprises you, I can't wait till the mating process." She makes a noise at this and I smirk. The crowd must have heard because you can hear laughs echo throughout the room. I look the see her blushing and she hides her face in my shoulder.

Although the laughs, I can see shameful faces among the crowd and upset faces among the crowd. Is it possible that the adults didn't know?

"Your Lune everyone." And all you can hear are cheers and claps.


I took my mates hand and pull her away up to our room.

"Sweety, I wish I could spend this entire day with you but I have Alpha duties. I'm so sorry baby. I l-"

"Listen, your fine. I get it. I will see you later. Now go. Oh, and don't forgets it's a full moon tonight," she says and giggles, then pushes me out the door and locks it.

If I didn't know better I'd think my mate was planning something. You see, the thing is, most mates complete the mating process on a full moon because the moon drives them so lust filled and females that have found their mate and haven't mated have this thick scent that makes all make wolves crazy. That's why she locked the door and, from what I can smell, is why she is spraying a frabreeze or whatever fragrance so that no male will be driven to her. Only me. She. Is. MINE.

Now, back to work. I walk down to my office to see my Beta Alec looking at me with a smile and eyebrows raised.

"Congratulations Alpha. Now we have had a rouges trespass but the funny thing is she claims we have her daughter," my Beta says.

"Question her about this so called daughter and ask why she thinks that is. Also, ask her of her intents towards our pack and make sure she isn't lying. What else?" Thank goodness for second in commands. If things went the way I planned I could spend time getting to know my beautiful mate.

"Umm... Nothing else Al-"

"Awesome. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mate to get to know." And with that I stomped upstairs to see disaster.



What to do? I am completely bored out of my mind. My mate is doing duties and I'm too afraid of the guilty glances I'll see on my parents and adults that I consider family's face. No one knew because I didn't want them too. Tears start escaping my eyes as I think of everything I've held in. All the pain was so much, especially not being able to share it with anyone.

Memories flash through my mind of the tortures I've been put through repeatedly. The pain I've felt as I watched what used to be my fellow ex-friends and sibling laugh at me. I hear stomps and my heart starts to race, scared of who it might be. The Alpha gets and entire floor to himself so it's someone coming for me.

The door flings open and reveals none other then my abusive brother. I swear I locked it...

"Carisma I'm so sorry. It's just... There something you don't know about yourself that everyone has been keeping a secret from you. Since then everyone thought of you as a freak and bullied you so the only thing I could really or was bully you too," as he rants off my thoughts grow louder, angry at him for thinking that could fix anything.

Suddenly I felt as if I had left myself. Like I was seeing everything to different eyes and the girl in control wasn't just angry, she was murderous.

"I'm sorry? I'm sorry!," The girl invading me laughed and, as though I was barred up, I fought against barriers and tried to take control but this girl wasn't having it," You think I'm sorry will magically make it all better. Can I'm sorry erase all the torture you put me through? Can I'm sorry take back all the heartbreak I suffered?! Can it take back all these scars and bruises left over by you and your friends?!" The invader said and lifted her shirt to show all my scars, bruises, and my bones almost pushing at my skin due to weight loss from my depression.

I was screaming for the girl to give me back my control but I had no voice. I was pushed further into the back of my brain and I knew I had lost all control I had. The darkness engulfed me then and I just hoped she didn't hurt anyone.



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