Chapter 11

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Amanda's POV

Ryder was shirtless and Cassie only had a bra on and they were lying under the covers of Cassie's bed. I stood in the doorway in shock and I was speechless.

"Amanda, you don't understand," he said.

"You're right, I don't," I stuttered.

"Yeah, anyway, I'm breaking up with you," he said.

I looked at him in shock. He was cheating on me and then breaks up with me.

"Anyway Cassie and I am quite busy so get out," he said.

I didn't need to be told twice and I fled the room. I was calling Alex but she wasn't picking up. I headed back downstairs into the cafeteria and I couldn't see her. Instead I just found Briar.

"I'm guessing you just found out about Cassie and Ryder," she laughed.

I couldn't believe that she thought that it was funny. I jumped on her. She started screaming and people started coming over trying to pull me off her.

It took four guys to get me off and one of them was Myles. I made the mistake of looking at him and he looked disappointed with me. I quickly looked away just was Mrs Devon joined the circle.

"Miss Prescott come with me, Miss Mason, go to the nurse," she ordered.

Briar was bleeding from a couple of cuts on her face and she probably had a few more bruises up her body and on her face from where I kicked her. I walked into Mrs Devon's office and she sat down opposite me. Like Myles she just looked disappointed in me.

"Miss Prescott I thought that you were better than this," she started.

I didn't bother saying anything. I knew what she was going to say.

"I think that you really need some help Amanda, you are really broken," she said and this angered me.

"You think that I don't know. You think that I don't know that my now ex-boyfriend got bored dating me because I wouldn't have sex with him. You think that I don't know that my best friend sort of wants to stop being friends with me so she gets in less trouble. You think that I don't most of my classmates' wish I was in a different class so they got more work done. You think that I don't know that my parent wish that I was more like my sister. You're wrong, I am broken but everyone was trampled on the pieces and I think that I'm permanently broken," I snapped.

She looked surprise at my outburst.

"So what are you going to do with me?" I asked

"You're going to have detentions for the next week, you didn't injure Miss Mason that much," she said and I quickly left.

Myles was sitting outside and stood up when he noticed me.

"I thought that you were disappointed in me," I said.

"I guess I was but then I realised that your temper isn't as bad as mine. What happened?" he asked.

"I found Ryder in bed with Cassie and then Briar was laughing about it," I said and I could see Myles' hands clench into fists.

He was trying not to gloat and say I told you so though. He was right but I was too blind to see it.

"Does that mean that I am allowed to take you out on a date?" he asked.

He was still as blunt as ever. I already knew that he liked me and he clearly let me know but I was dating Ryder before.

"I'm not going out on a date with a boy from this stupid school ever again," I promised.

"Well, I guess that I'll have you to change that," he said.

"You're not going to, I'm pretty stubborn."

"I know, but so am I. I'll see you later. Don't get in too much trouble," he said and sauntered off.

I found a small hiding spot in the corner of the school and I broke down. I started to cry and I just couldn't stop. I got a text from Alex asking me about the situation and I just ignored her because I wanted to be alone.

I couldn't stop crying now and I knew how broken I was. It was the first relationship that I had had and I really thought that I loved Ryder and he was just like everyone else in my life. It was why I couldn't bring myself to even go on a date with Myles because I can't trust anyone except maybe Alex.

I wiped my tears away and I knew that I would have makeup running down my face. I started towards the cafeteria and I ran into Ryder.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.

I was angry but I wanted to know why he didn't just break up with me.

"Because I don't think that you are capable of love and I felt like you didn't want this and I didn't want to break your heart," he said.

"And cheating on me with a girl that I don't like is going to stop that? I might have been able to love you sometime but you have fucked me up," I said.

Myles' POV

I saw the argument between Ryder and Amanda in the corridor but I didn't want to stop it because I didn't want to get in the middle of it. I headed up to my dorm and I was thinking about Amanda. I had learnt a lot about her family over the last week or so because she told me about it and I wasn't surprised.

Amanda and I met in detention and I knew from then that there was something else going on in her life that made her doubt herself. I think that if her parents had told her every once in a while that they were proud of her and they loved her for who she was that maybe she would have turned out differently. Maybe she wouldn't be so scared and such a mess because she had a family to fall back on.

I had talked to Alex after Amanda's fight with Cassie and she confirmed what I already knew. Amanda was a mess and she hid it behind the pranks and the smile. Alex thought that she was probably scared of relationships after the mess with her parents. I wanted to talk to Amanda, not to make a move on her though. I was her friend and I was going to be here for her.

I was walking along my dorm floor and I ran into Ryder.

"You going to make a move on my leftovers," he teased.

I just rolled my eyes him and tried to move past him but he pushed me back.

"I knew that there was something dodgy about you," he said.

"At least I didn't make a move on her while you were dating Amanda because I am a nice guy, I can't say the same about you," I teased.

"She is damaged and she isn't worth the time," he said.

"She is worth the time if you give it to her and take it slowly and you didn't give it her," I said.

"She will run away from you when it gets difficult and she is broken and damaged and deserves to be alone," Ryder said.

I was furious with him. Everyone deserves someone and it doesn't matter how long it takes. I really wanted to punch him in the face but I wasn't going to. I was disappointed with Amanda when she punched Briar and I wasn't going to be a hypocrite. I pushed past him and I walked into my dorm.

I picked up the nearest book and threw it at the opposite wall but I couldn't get rid of my anger. I threw a couple more and soon there was a pile of books on the floor. I punched my desk chair and it broken since it was only wood. I managed to calm down and then I had to nurse my injured fist but I welcomed the pain because it was a distraction.

It was time like this when I was glad that I didn't have a roommate because I might have said or done something that I regret. I started to organise my room again and I wanted to go talk to Amanda but I knew that she would want to be alone because we are similar in many ways and that is what I would want. So I gave it to her. I would probably talk to her after detention tomorrow.


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The Wise One

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