Chapter 12

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Amanda's POV

Myles and I hadn't talked in a couple of weeks but that was mostly because I was avoiding him. We still had to sit next to each other in English and we are still always in detention together but I don't talk to him and he realises that I don't want to talk to him yet.

I see Ryder and Cassie around school but I ignore them. In some ways I was glad I found out because I just wanted to believe that what I had was real and I wouldn't listen to Myles when he tried to help me.

Alex and I were sitting in her dorm. We had just finished planning our pranks that we were going to do in the near future.

"What are you going to do about Myles?" she teased.

"Nothing, I'm not dating anyone from this school ever again," I told her.

"Come on, don't you see that Myles really likes you and he is really sweet," Alex told me.

"What about his temper thought?"

"Now you are just looking for excuses. Go out on one date and if you don't like it then don't go out again."


"No, go and do it," Alex interrupted.

I groaned but she then kicked me out of her room and told me to go find Myles and give him a chance. I really didn't want to do it but Alex would kick my butt if I didn't. I wasn't sure where to find him but I headed up to his dorm.

The door was shut and I knocked, hoping that he wasn't in there and I put this off until another day. Unfortunately he answered the door.

"Hey, Amanda, I haven't talk to you in a while," he said and I could see how bright his smile was.

"Yeah," I muttered.

"What did you come to ask?" he asked.

"I was just wondering if the offer of a date was still on the table?"

"Do you want to go on a date?"


"Then, yes it is. Does tomorrow night sound good?" he asked.

I nodded and I headed back down to Alex's dorm. I was going on a date with Myles.

Alex was helping me get ready. Myles had told her where he was taking me and it was making me nervous. I was Alex's Barbie and she was having fun. She pulled my hair into a long braid and left my makeup simple. She handed me a floral skirt, dark blue tank top and a black jacket with dark blue flats.

"Have fun," she told me.

I headed down and we met down by the gates. Myles was waiting for me and he grabbed my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He just laughed and I knew that he wasn't going to tell me. I groaned.

"You looked really beautiful though," he added.

I blushed deep red and he spun me around. I bumped into his chest and we stumbled for a couple of steps. We settled into a comfortable conversation before stepping into a small restaurant. It was Chinese and we got seated under a beautiful light.

We both ordered food and the waitress left us alone.

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful?" he asked.

"Shut up," I told him.

"I think that you do though," he teased.

We kept talking and he asked me about my tennis. We were doing really well as a school team and I was entered in competition next weekend that was mostly for adults but Coach told me that he thinks that I can do quite well in it.

We left the restaurant an hour later and we still hadn't run out of things to talk about. I thought that we would be heading back to school but he didn't take me that way. Instead we ended up at a local park.

"Couldn't we get arrested for this?" I asked.

He had already jumped over the short fence and reached his hand out for me to grab.

"But that is what makes it fun," he teased.

He started to run up the slide and I climbed up the ladder before pushing him down the slide.

"I spent all that time climbing up and you pushed me down," Myles pouted.

I just laughed at him and he grabbed me and pulled me down the slide with him after he climbed up again. I ended up lying on top of him as we tumbled off the end of the slide.

"How come you knew that I love the park?" I asked as I pulled myself up off him.

"You said that you were at the park at Christmas and I just like it here," he added.

We ended up over by the swings. I was sitting on the swing and he was pushing me. We had settled into silence and it was nice. He was standing in front of me and pushing my feet. I dragged my feet on the ground so that I stopped myself. I wrapped my arms around him and leant my head on his chest.

"Thank you for getting me to trust to you," I whispered.

"I had fun with you as well. Do I have permission to take you out again?" he asked.

I stood up onto my tip toes and pressed a light kiss to his lips.

"I would love to go out with you again," I said.

We headed back to school. He had an arm around him and I had my head leaning against him. We were quiet and it didn't take us long to get back to school. We both headed up to our room and Myles dropped me off at my room.

"Thanks," I said.

"I had fun too," he added.

He kissed me and it was the sort of kiss that made your knees weak. I think I would have fallen to the floor if he didn't have his arms around me.

"See you tomorrow," he said and headed towards his dorm.

I just stood there for a few minutes in shock. I can't believe how much fun I had.


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