Chapter 1

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Hlooo all im Sv again with my next ff to torture you all. LOL This is the extention of our original manmarziyan .Pls do say me your views regarding the same. Love you all and pls do comment your views regarding the same .

Enjoy the ride......

Radhika ; Neil when are you planning to come ?? Teji is just taking my life by telling his love story. I donno how does he falls in love that too true love for every 2 weeks . Please do come and save me pls.

Neil giggled but before he could speak there was someone talking to him " Neil I know u are the only one who could help me . Im dying to know where is she ?? Please say me , I know you kow her.
Neil(with full anger) ; How many times I should say you she is no more in this world she is dead Sam she left us because of the pain she suffered u guys gave. Why cant you even leave her even if she is dead.
Arjun (who was like a living corpse) ; Shut up neil she is not dead. If im alive then my radhika is surely safe and alive I am not going to leave her. She promised me that she will stay with me. This accident cannot take my radhika from me. I know her she is some place safe. So stop this topic and no one ever dare take her name and you Sam I beg you shut up and stop it. I will leave this place with weeks. Leave this topic at once . Neil saw his phone and found it was still on but radhika was not replying . Neil rubs his forehead and immediately calls Teji and informs him to take care of Radhika.

Arjun bangs his chair and starts to cry out his pain. He saw a cute photo of her's in his table. He took that and held it tight in his heart and cried out his grief " Cant you stayed that day with me I would have had you today or if I had let you go that night after the party I would have had you with me at least far from me but you would have been with me. When you were there I did not say my heart , when I wanted to say my heart you are not here. All are saying you are dead. I can sense you u are hiding from me but you are safe .Radhika please come to me I want to live a life with you... and he cried by sitting in his chair and banging his head over the table and closing his face with his hands.
Neil saw this from the outside and felt sorry and thought " Arjun my radhika is safe but she will not come here or to you again . She had enough and I want only her happiness. I will go to any extend to make her safe and happy.
Radhika was standing in the balcony and was thinking how she landed here.
After the party where nandhini spell her truth Arjun pleaded Radhika to stay with him . She too obliged but she started the next day to Rishikesh when Arjun was sleeping.

She boarded the bus and she saw teji was waiting for her . Neil wanted Radhika's safety so he asked Teji to accompany Radhika till rishikesh and to be with her for few days. On the way their bus collided with another bus. It was a big accident happened, few dead and many were injured but radhika and teji somehow escaped with minor scratches as their seats were 2 seats before the last seat .

Teji informed the same to Neil and Neil who was shattered that sam left him went straight to the hospital and took them from there and as both buses were severely damaged they tried their level best to find her but slowly the whole birdsong too started believed that radhika is dead . But Arjun was not satisfied. He believed radhika would be alive. Even Radhika's family believed that radhika was dead and arjun never spoke anything from then to anyone .He was holding his life just to see his radhika one time then he will leave this world.

Teji came from behind and shouted in her ears. She jerked and found Teji with his cute smile in his face. Radhika came to the reality. She does not know what he has in his smile in which she forgets everything. He wraps his hands over her shoulder and she too reciprocates by keeping her hand over his shoulder.
Teji ; What are you thinking chashni ??
Radhika ; whatever we are doing it , is this right teji ??

Teji ; Chashni say me one thing do you want to go back to Mumbai ?? Radhika nods negative .
Radhika ;What if they come to know that I'm here and still alive.
Teji ; No one would know us . We are very far from them. They will never find us. So dont worry about that .
Radhika ; Why are you and Neil doing these things to me , im just a friend but you are doing these many things to me ??
Teji ; Chashni answer me one question why did you married Arjun ?? For whom did you take the blame ??why did you risked your life with nandhini ??
Radhika ; For sam
Teji ; Why ??
Radhika ; What nonsense teji she is my friend.
Teji ; You said the answer to the question. You are our friend a unique piece , my chashni..... so how can you think that we would leave you. See, in blood relationship we cannot speak out everything but to a friend you have a right to speak to them everything even if it is a rubbish.
Radhika ;(smiled) stay with me teji .

Teji ; Always dear. Aah radhika I forgot to say today I found a girl. She was like....
Radhika ; Ooh god not again and she closed her ears and ran away . Teji followed her with a smile to kill her with his love story. Neil who was worried about radhika signed a relief when he got the message from teji stating " all is well".

Thats it for today all. Hope u all will like it please do comment ur views . Love u all stay blessed, stay strong and dont forget to smile.

A journey without destination - Manmarziyan fanfiction. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now