Chapter 23

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Rathore was discussing with the legal team to take over bird song but the problem is rathore should be in person to and which was bothering is he was planning to change the birdsong to radhika's name but to make her in person is sparing her happy life which rathore would dare not to do.
Rathore was discussing with Neil over phone and they decided that let radhika say what she is willing to do. But little did rathore knew that radhika will ask him to change the name in his name or others rather than her name.
Arjun's apartment.....
Teji Arjun and radhika were sitting in the dining table and was discussing of what happened to bird song as that was not a company which will sink.
Arjun ; I distinctly remember there were more than 5 deals signed for 3 years of contract then how come BS sinking, how ??
Teji ; im sorry to say this sir your sister is the reason of this. Arjun was hell anger as even after so many shame she is still in her stand where there is no wrong on Samrat.
Arjun ; cant she leave them ?? And teji she was my guardian and no more my sister a third person to me now.
Radhika ; Arjun ?? in a higher tone with confused voice....
Arjun ; what ?? What not she did to u and others and the dumbest of all i was hell blind no more this time. I will save bird song to repent my mistake. She gave a look. TEji understood her look as Rathore already started to speak with his legal team about takeover of BS.

Teji ; dont worry rathu will take care..
Arjun ; who ??
Teji ; sorry rathore my brother sorry our brother. He nodded. Just then rathore called Teji and asked about himself and Radhika.
Teji ; yaar rathu im here with chashni only and for heaven sake go out with bhabhi she is fed up with ur bhai mode now change to lover mode.
Radhika giggled hearing that and Arjun lost his heart on her pink face when she was controlling her laugh and her teary eyes for controlling her laugh. After the call there was a text from rose to him. He jerked as that was a punch and a angry emoji with a red face. He gulped and sweated badly. He saw Arjun and radhika. Radhika went in to for something.
Radhika ; oye what happened ?? Teji saw Arjun and showed the phone. He smiled and said something on his ears. Teji's face brightened. In between Teji (hussked) ; Will this work ?
Arjun ; i bet it will work.
Teji ; what if not ??
Arjun ; fall on her feet well that may work.
Teji ; i will owe u one for this.
Arjun ; i will count this bye now go soon else even that will not work. Teji nodded and rushed out with a warm hug. Radhika came out and walked to Arjun and made her feet up to match his height and kept her chin over his shoulder. He smiled and made himself a bit down to make her comfortable to keep her chin. She smiled and made him stand proper and inbetween his hands and his body she inserted her head and smiled at him. He burst out in laugh and pulled her to him and asked what happened ??
Radhika ; donno wanna play with u like this. Why shouldn't i ??
Arjun ; of course panoti why are u asking this ??
Radhika ; why did u laugh that big then.

Arjun ; look im a shy person basically and some person coming near to me makes me feel goose bumps and u are making me go all shy radhika hoo pls dont do this and he did in a girly way. She turned and twisted her lips and winked her eyes and came near him and circled her hand over his neck and in a kind of a boyish voice ; hey baby how about a kiss and she stressed the s part a bit more.
Arjun ; hoo pls someone help me save me from this man aoooo she laughed but she too continued today no one can save u from me miss arjun mehra he burst out and held her by waist and said ; i dont want to Mr. Radhika Mehra. She too laughed at him and they spent some cute times before leaving back home. He drove back to home and on the way he diverted his way to a small hotel.
Radhika ; why are we here ??
Arjun ; teji wanted to speak.
Radhika ; Where is teji arjun ??
Arjun ; look there and they saw Teji with a board in his neck stating im sorry rose i wont skip my date here after and she was looking at him with a puppy smile the way he was keeping his face a long face and the rose face of her was now turning red coz of smile.
Radhika burst out and came near teji and rose.
Arjun saw rose and smiled at her.
Rose ; how is my punishment brother ??
Arjun ; awesome my little cutie. Both radhika and teji cant understand how they knew each other.
Rose ; what are u looking at me tej he was the one who helped me to get u.
Teji ; how ??
Rose ; dont speak i will say only to her pointing at radhika and said i was boarding my flight he called me and said he was rushing to see me so i cancelled my first flight and was waiting for him for the next flight. Then he came dashing the glass door with the mickey mouse pyjamas. Teji gave a look to radhika. She turned her gaze to the other side to avoid teji as that was her compulsion he was having that.
They were happily enjoying the time together.......

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