An accident that turned my life...

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Hiee guys bunny here... this one is not an update... but one new book on our manmarziyan... this plot was bugging me so i landed to this one...

An accident that turned my life... yup u all guess it... it will be from the lonavala trip accident but here saral will be a perfect gentle man... the guy who wanted happiness of Radhika and no Nandhini... she wont be seen... the way i imagined to be... i have typed something of this if u guys are happy with the story line i will jump and start this one as well and regarding this update day after tomorrow we will have the next update... i am going to write on their POV so pls say me is that nice or not... love u all... muhhhhhaaa


The truck passed by... i turned to see what happened...the sight made me shiver she was in blood pool of blood... she saved me by pushing me away... the fact she saved me... me who wanted nothing but pain to her...i rushed to see her... her face is covered with blood every where is blood.... for the first time i prayed to god i want her to be alright to be alive to be there for me...

What ?? What am i thinking ??

My thought was broken by the few voices....

I guess she cant make it... i turned to see the woman who was in my lap... i pulled her in my arms and placed her safely in the car and asked for the route for hospital... it was a painful ride... her every cry was piercing my heart... she is struggling to breathe... the blood from her stomach was coming out and it was all wet over her... all the time i was speaking to her... suddenly she screamed in pain... no no no no... radhika... radhika.
... i want to hear ur nonstop talks... speak out something anything. .. i shook her... no response... and there was some celebration i was continuously honking but they were not moving... are they crazy to dance on the middle of the road... i came out and started to shout to move my way but no response when i turned see radhika she was hanging herself with the help of seat belt if not that she would have been on the ground... her eyes were closed no moment no struggle... pulling her into my arms i rushed inside the hospital... all i wanted was radhika to get her conscious back...

i was all the time praying... today i became more devoted to the supreme soul who i wanted to hear my pleads... after Nandhu it was for Radhika i prayed for... i wanted her to be alright... to be well... throwing away my revenge and anger i cupped her cheeks and pleaded her to see me... but she is stubborn... she is not listening to me... Aren't i her Arjun sir ?? how can she disobey me ??

I was about to Sam... she would be the perfect one to handle the situation... wait i dont want her to interfere in my personal space... if she comes she may separate me from my radhika..

Arjun from where did this panoti turned out to be your radhika... my was pulling my hair... she is making me sick... this radhika is like a drug to me... she is making me drown with her everything... but for the first time i wanted to drown in that drug i wanted to be with some one who can do anything to me... will i get what i lost ?? will i get one true relation to live... will i get some one to rule my heart ?? Will my pain be removed ?? will my darkness be removed by her light... Will u do that for me radhika ?? For the first time i want you... I need you.... Don't leave me pls.....


So how was this.... say me is this nice or not ?? Shall i start this or not ?? pls say me your views... love you all.. pls do share me your valuable views pls... love u all stay blessed and always smile.... bear hugs... Muhhhhhaaaa


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