Chapter 30

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Arjun entered the house and shattered... he lost today... it was never his fault but he is bearing it... today he felt how radhika would have felt the way she was accused back then in bird song but she still stood rooted in her stand.. Arjun slowly wiped his tears and turned to see his Radhika smiling all wide with him in the picture... I will make this smile always for you Radhika i promise that...

Arjun started to his office but before he could step out he found a mail notifying important... It was from Rathore... Arjun immediately opened and read the mail..Dear, Mr.Mehra... This is to inform you that from now on you can work from home.. the personal problem will not interfere in our professional life... If anything is required we will call you till that time work from home and prove your innocence... Redards,Rathore..
Arjun immediately called Rathore..

Arjun in a higher tone shouted What is this Rathore ?? This is the only way to make some peace for the time being Rathore spoke in a normal tone... Are you out of your mind i said i was not involved in this then why now ??

Rathore took one deep breathe and said i dont want any fight... we have one big fight there out... Once that is done then we can fight till we have blood in our bodies...Arjun just nodded and accepted he was helpless

They were working for few days and at times Arjun would call rathore and they were discussing about their works... at night Arjun was gathering information about what is Nandhini is upto... Arjun was slowly building his contacts again... Once Radhika disappeared from his life he turned silent and cut off all his contacts.. he wanted to live a silent life with his love not the one who used to manipulates the thing the way he wants but he started to gather his self back again... he started to dig the information again... In no time this reached Canada and Neil decided to be with Radhika and Rathore and prena asked them to start as well... Sam said she will come with them... Neil said no but sam was really adamant to go with Neil...
They reached the mansion where Rathore lives... Rathore hugged Neil and was happy to see him with Sam... Sam was smiling but her eyes wanted only one person... the one whom she carved to see... after few awkward silent seconds Sam asked about Radhika but rathore said she is out for some time... Rathore asked them to freshen up...
Arjun was working in his house with his kaki trouser and blue t.shirt with his coffee in his hand... Suddenly from no where Radhika barged into the house... Arjun saw her after 10 days... 10 full days of hell... In no time Radhika ran and hugged Arjun... Arjun held her tight and was inhaling her scent... I missed you radhika he spoke without breaking the hug and Radhika hummed in response.. After few minutes they broke the hug and arjun carried her and placed her in his lap and he sat on the couch...

Did Rathore knew you are here ?? Arjun asked... She lowered her head and gave a small no nod... He huffed and pulled her chin and asked her " whats bothering you panoti..." She kept her head over his shoulder and made a band over his waist and said i want to be with you like this Arjun... I just wish that we vanish in air just u and me... Arjun's hold was now tightened... But not before i finish what Nandhini has started... Radhika saw Arjun... he never calls Nandhini other than nandhu but today she found the mad Arjun back...

Arjun stop this madness... dont ever try to harm yourself... Radhika spoke to Arjun in a small yet demanding voice... Arjun smirked and said you are wrong Radhika Mehra this is Arjun mehra you are talking to... i have my own ways to make things done... do you remember how i married u infront of all.. you thought you took the decision... it was me who wanted you more than sam so i made my ways to make you mine... her eyes widened... she slapped his hand and said this is for marrying me and then she kissed him and said this is for marrying me... He smiled and closed the laptop where he had the details of Nandhini... His thought was now only to destroy Nandhini... it was paining for him to destroy his sister but he has to do this now...

Arjun drove to Kundra's mansion and asked Radhika to go inside... He pulled his mobile and called Rathore and asked him to come out... Neil who saw Radhika from the lawn came running and hugged her... Radhika was happy to see her friend and when they broke the hug sam stood next to Neil... Radhika's face changed... everything came into her eyes... their friendship their times together their happy times then she slapping her calling her names giving those gifts which she said it was her wedding gifts then the night where she spatted out all venomous words when she was drunk... every minute every second of that came into her eyes... her breathe got raised up.. she was looking at Sam and then without thinking she hugged sam and said i missed you sam... Sam hugged her back and was happy to have Radhika back to her life... 

Rathore smiled at them and went to the main gate and saw Arjun standing there... He nodded and Arjun nodded back... he gave a pendrive to Rathore and said it has everything you need... Rathore smirked and said i trust you Arjun... Rathore stepped inside the gate and called Arjun " Arjun Neil and Sam has come down aren't you coming ?? " Arjun nodded negative and said " I will come but once this mess is been cleared and i get my friend back... " He saw Danny speaking with Radhika... 

Rathore nodded and said "Make it fast Arjun Danny is missing you..." Arjun smiled and said he will because he is my best pal.... saying so Arjun took his leave... 

Danny turned once Arjun left and said " I miss you so much my friend... i am sorry... " Radhika smiled and texted Arjun the same... With a heart content smile Arjun drove back home... little did he knew that his sister is no less and she has her ways to change the situation... and he should be even more cautious... 


Tadaa Bunny here... so this is the start of the war... this is just a start of it... we will see more.. it will be ending soon as said before... the main battle is yet to come...

Will Arjun and his people will be successful or will Nandhini win here... Will Rathore be aware of what is Nandhini upto or what is she gonna do it ?? To know more we have to wait and watch... i will update this regularly and finish it soon... as promised... If you guys know how i give you all back to back updates then you know me... we are gonna see more.. love  u all stay blessed and dont forget to paint the star orange and share me your views.. 



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