Chapter 8

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Mitch and Jerome where currently panicking, I mean, who wouldn't be panicking over there missing son?............................. Nevermind............... I was pacing around the living room, trying to think up a spell to try and teleport to Sub. But, first I need to find his life force. I should be able to find him and either teleport us to him or teleport him to us.

I really want to get Sub back here, he is defiantly one of my best friends. Plus he is cool, nice, awesome, funny, adorable, cute, absolutely hot. I let the last three ones float around in my head. I stop and close my eyes, trying to pinpoint Sub's life force. I find the area where his lifeforec is. My eyes shoot open as electricity runs through my body. I collapse to my knees, my body shaking roughly.

"Seto!?" Ian days as he runs over, about to put his hands on my arms. I hold my hand up slightly. Fuuuuuuccccccccccccccccccccc..... Crap.... I slowly get back to my feet, my legs shaking. I take quivering breaths and grip my head, a small voice in my head whispered.

'Help me...... Please..... Anyone help me.....' . I gasp softly, the voice being Sub's. My head shoots up and I teleport out of the room to my bedroom/lab.

What happened? I mean like, someone just doesn't dissappear out of no where. I run around and grab different ingredients before grabbing my amulet. I set the ingredients down and grab my white chalk. I take a deep breath before starting to draw symbols on the ground in the shape of a circle.

I set everything down and place my amulet in the center. I close my eyes and start to chant, my hands glowing purple. My mind starts to wander, going from Sub's perfect hair to his beautiful eye. I shake my head and keep chanting, a shimmer of purple light appears before me.

A oval like screen appeared, showing Sub trapped within a glass chamber, strapped up and unconscious. A man..... No, a monster, stood in front of Sub. He had the same colored hair as Sub, but.... His skin. His skin was gray, almost black, glowing red stripes were spread across his skin. Blood was splattered against his shirt and jeans, giving them a dirty look.

The monster turned around, staring directly where my spell activated, staring into my soul. How?! No one can see this unless...... No........ This is impossible...... A sickening smirk spread across his face, his teeth sharpened to a point. He held up his finger to his lips as if saying 'shh'.

My eyes widen as I was not in my room, yet I was now in front of that monster. I get up and back away, he seemed to float towards me, his feet never moving. I was trapped, stuck in the corner.... His breath smelt of blood and flesh, his glowing crimson eyes boring into my skull.

"Ahh...... A sorcerer....... It seems you have become friends with my.... Son..... Hehe, you won't be getting out of here alive, sorcerer's hearts a rare yet powerful ingredient to any spell....... Yet along with your magic core. But, where's the fun of just you and my son here?

Don't worry, you two won't be here alone for long.... Hehe, i'll be taking that." He sneered, making my amulet appear in front of my face. I was frozen, I couldn't move. He laughed insanely before he slammed my head into the wall. Searing pain shot through my skull before everything faded to black, his laugh echoing through my mind and soul.


Hello everyone........ I'm sorry I haven't posted any of my stories in 9 million years......... Yeah..... I was tagged twice so..... I'll be doing that, and I'd like to say something. Don't worry, I'm not just up and leaving forever..... I'd like to say that most of my stories, I am redoing. This one I wont, I might just fix up a few things. But with my other stories, I never had a fixed point with where I was going with them. Plus I never really edited them, heh...... I will be leaving the old chapters up, but just starting fresh. Also, I'd like to mention some stories I will just continue how they are. And that any stories I have asked for charactors, don't worry, even though I might have not said who you are or anything, you will still be added in. I just want to fix up the plot, how charactors are introduced, stuff like that...... So..... Yeah.... I was tagged by Minty_Sorcerer and Visionairz so...... Yeah I'll do Minty's first since he tagged me first.

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