Chapter 8: The Truth

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Court Lady Oh was immediately sent back to her room and several doctors rushes to attend to her. I was back in my room as well, making a ruckus for the servants as I insisted on visiting Court Lady Oh despite my health.

"Please, you need to rest Princess Hara!" Areum begs helplessly even though she was full of bruises herself.

"No! I have to see Court Lady Oh!" I pushed them away and ran towards the door. I pulled the door open violently and sprint towards her room.

There were many guards and servants around, even the 3rd and 9th prince, alongside with several other young men were standing by. Princess Yumi and another girl was with them as well. All of their faces were distraught, some nervous.

At the sound of my footsteps, all of them turned to look at me. Unfamiliar faces showed signs of shock while Princess Yumi was angry.

"How dare you come here?" She demanded.

"H-How's Court Lady Oh? Is her baby safe?" I asked anxiously.

They all looked away and Princess Yumi rolled her eyes. "You have no right to know. It's all your fault!" She spats.

"Enough!" The 3rd Prince exclaimed.

"I apologise your Majesty, but the baby is already gone." The voice of the doctor said and all of us went silent in shock.

I heard Court Lady Oh shrieking while the King's deep voice assured her. "My baby!!!"

Oh no. It's too late.

I felt a thousand emotions as I cried for Court Lady Oh. She does not deserve this. No woman deserves to be taken away from her baby.

The door opens and a man with a moustache appeared. He sighs and announced that we should all give Court Lady Oh some time to rest.

"I- I want to see her! Please!" I begged and the man looked at me confusingly.

"No. Please go back and rest yourself Princess Hara." He stood by the door, blocking the entrance.

"Please let me in!" I forced my body towards him but he refused to let me in.

"Ji Mong said she has to rest! Which part of it do you not understand?" Princess Yumi pushes me away from Ji Mong.

I glared at Princess Yumi and she shrink a little at my demeanour. Suddenly, a future vision of Princess Yumi on the noose flashes and I blinked several times. I clenched on to my chest as I tried to steady my breath.

"Go back to your room." I turned to look at the 3rd Prince as he orders. "The King is inside, it would be disrespectful and a disgrace to me." His expression was as if I was a trash, that I should not be here in the first place. Which was all true, I never belonged to this world.

"Monsters." I cursed before I left the scene.

"Hmm, how dare she!" Princess Yumi was in disbelief.

I poured my tears out when I was back in the room. The entire pillow was drenched with my tears and I refused to listen to anybody. How could they be so calm upon hearing such tragedy? They are all not humans!


After the incident, the palace was in chaos as the King declared to know the truth of the culprit who murdered his heir. Every day, I saw the entire cabinet of ministers rushing towards the court for meetings and discussions. Even the concubines in the palace were suspecting one another, some even acknowledging that it was the Queen's doings.

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