When we arrived at the palace, the Queen and King were standing by the entrance anxiously.
"Jung ah!" I heard the Queen yells anxiously as her hurried footsteps approaches Wang Jung.
The soldiers helped the injured prince down from the horse as he groans in pain.
"Send the best royal doctors to attend to Prince Wang Jung now!" The King demanded and every servants in the palace rushes to help to Jung.
"Princess Hara! Let's go back to your room." Court Lady Oh beckons the servants to support me back to my room.
"Send a royal doctor to Princess Hara as well." The King said softly to Court Lady Oh as I was being brought away.
The doctors treated me carefully and reported that there was no danger to my body. However, my nose was bruised from a hit and I may have nose bleeds then and then.
Court Lady Oh sighs as she sat down beside me on the bed. She adjusted my blanket and dapped a wet towel on my forehead.
"I'm glad you are fine..." She said with an uncomfortable tone.
"I'm sorry, Court Lady Oh..."
"You should be!" She cuts between my sentences firmly and I knew I had caused her worry again. "How could you leave the palace without telling me?! Do you know how much I worried about you?! I thought you...You..." She breathes heavily as she clutches her chest and swallowed her saliva.
"I know... I'm sorry." I blinked as I look at her face tiredly.
You are the only person who genuinely cared about me since I came to Goryeo.
"You should rest. You've suffered much." Court Lady Oh adjusted my blanket once again before she leaves my room and I fell to sleep.
Prince Wang Yo POVA royal letter came to me after the successful meeting with the leader of the Wolf Clan. They have agreed to protect the borders from our enemies.
"What? Minister Park attempted to kill Prince Wang Jung and Princess Hara by kidnapping them and was sentenced to death? What is this?!" I slammed the letter down on the table angrily as I glared at the messenger.
"Forgive me Prince Wang Yo. But this is a letter from the Queen and she wishes for you to be back to the palace as soon as time allows you to." He transmitted the message to me.
I rolled my eyes at him and gestured for him to leave the room.
The Queen must be worried sick... How did the both of them got captured?! And Minister Park died because he violated the royal rules. Hmm! Serve him right for betraying me! I should be glad that the useless thing is dead too because no one would know I attempted to assassinate the crown prince...
Though I had my thoughts to myself, I was still cautious of the servant that was in the same room as me and I looked at him warily.
"Prepare my baggage. I'm going back to the palace." I ordered as I walked towards the dressing room.
"Yes my prince." He bowed to me before turning to pack my belongings.
My eyes lingered to the snapped charm my wife gave on the table that I've placed in the morning and I picked it up.
"Stupid woman... How could you be so careless?" I stroked the charm gently as if it would break any time before keeping it in the pocket near my chest.
I bid farewell with Mr Wang and his clan by the entrance and Wang So was among them as well.
"It's such a shame for you to leave so early but please give my prayers to both Prince Wang Jung and Princess Hara. This is a gift from us and this jewellery set is handmade from our skilled jeweller for Princess Hara. We shall meet again sometime." Mr Wang gave me an appreciative talk.
"Thank you for your generosity. I believe my wife would love the gift. It's shocking for me that the tragedy had to happen during such crucial time. I hope you would not mind." I smiled before turning my attention towards Wang So.
"Ah... Wang So, please don't forget the invitation for the new year festival. I shall see you then." I smirked at his expressionless feature before I turn to ride on my horse.
When I arrived at the palace a few days later, the King was delighted that I have fulfilled his mission and rewarded me with the rights for royal negotiations and also a wish of my own.
"Thank you for your generosity my King. As for my wish... " I stopped half way as the one wish I ever hoped for begs my mouth to say it out.
I wish to be the crown prince.
"I wish to have a day out with Princess Hara after she recovers." I couldn't believe my own self when I said that.
The King laughs and nods happily, "Of course. Husband and wife should have intimate time with one another. Go ahead. I shall grant you that wish."
Why would I say that I wonder?
I head straight for my brother's room and the Queen's face have shrank since I last saw her.
"My Queen, how are you?" I greeted when I entered the room.
"Oh Yo, you're back! You wouldn't believe what that evil father of your wife had done to my precious Jung!"
Jung. Always.
"You have suffered much my Queen." I pitied with my mother and I look at my brother who was lying on the bed. "I see you have recovered brother."
Somehow he didn't feel happy to see me. Did that old freak told him I was the mastermind on wanting to kill the crown prince?
"How are you feeling?" I smiled to cover up my uncomfortable feeling.
"You should visit Princess Hara. She must have been more hurt than me." He said emotionlessly.
"Oh Jung... What are you talking about? You got stabbed by the stomach and she got nothing!" The Queen complained.
"Please go and see Princess Hara." He cut off the Queen once again in annoyance.
Just what happened when I was gone?
I entered the room of Hara's and all the servants left the room for us to be alone. Hara was lying on the bed and she looked horrendous.
How could my future Queen be so weak?
"How are you feeling?" I sat beside her bed and asked in concern.
"I'm what you see." She said in monotone.
"Well... I see that you are always involved in trouble when I'm not by your side." I didn't mean to say that considering she just lost her father.
"Tell me about it. Ever since I came to Goryeo, nothing's been good." She sighed and I wondered what she meant by ever since she came here. Did losing her father made her lose her mind too?
"I know your father just passed away and you're probably feeling all kinds of emotions. That's why I want to..."
"He is not my father!" She shouted agitatedly and I jumped.
"He's a murderer! He wanted to kill me and Prince Wang Jung just like how he wanted to kill the Crown Prince!"
"Shut your mouth!" I yelled at her eagerly to stop that stupid girl from getting us into more trouble.
She glared at me with tears in her eyes and I instantly felt awful. She lost her father you idiot!
"I-I mean... Fine! Say whatever you want to say!" I stomped out of her room angrily once again.
Damn Wang Yo... Why can't you just be kind to her?
I asked myself regretfully.

Scarlet Heart Ryeo: 3rd Prince Wang Yo fanfiction
FanfictionA 25-year-old woman from the year 2015, Kim Yu Ri fainted in a shopping mall's toilet after she saw a reflection of a lady in traditional hanbok. She was sent to the hospital after being found out by other shoppers. Peculiarly, when the nurse came b...