The day on set for season 3

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    It's been a month since Matthew and i have been together. Our relationship has been full of laughs, kisses, and innocence. Today we are going to film season 3!!! And I'm excited because Kit and Jax obviously end up together!!! I ship Jax and Kit not just because Matthew and i ARE Jax and Kit, but just because they are so adorable. Im also excited that Matthew and i might possibly have kissing scenes, we are together now and Jax and Kit are together now. We get the best of both worlds here. Anyways, im gonna call  Matthew  now *ring ring ring*. "Hey Matthew are you super syced to be filming season 3!" i say excitedly. "Yes! Especially since Kit and Jax get together!" he reply's. "I know right?!" i reply. "Well meet you on set, baby" Matthew says to me. "Okay, meet you on set, i miss you" i say. "I miss you too" he says. "I love you", "I love you too", "Um kay bye" i end the call. Gosh, he is an amazing boyfriend. Today im just gonna put on jeans and a t-shirt, since im gonna be changing into different clothes anyway.

I just put my hair in a top knot
and i did all the hygiene stuff. Now im ready. I hop in my car and drive to studio c. I put on the radio and the song "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stafani comes on. "Ahhh my girl Gwen" i sigh. Now im at studio c and i see Matthew outside. "Hey my beautiful girlfriend" he says opening the door for me. "Hey my handsome boyfriend" i say and he blushes. He pecks my lips."You ready?" i say to him. "Ready as I'll ever be" he reply's. "Good now let's go" i say confidentially. We both walk inside studio c and we see Danny. "Hey guys, you ready to shoot the first episode of season 3!" he asks. " YES!!!" Matthew and i yell at the top our lungs. "Okay go change into your clothes" he tells us. We both just nod and go into our dressing rooms and change into our character's wardrobe, im just wearing jeans, a panic at the disco galexy t-shirt, and purple and black flannel around my waist. My hair is already curled, so now i just put on my rings, headphones, and the toque. I look at myself in the mirror "All done" i say aloud. I hear someone knock on my door, i think it's Matthew. "Who is it?" i ask. "It's Matthew" he reply's, i knew it was him. "Come in" i tell him and he walks in. "You look sick "Kit" ", Matthew says acting like "Jax". "You look sick too "Jax" " i say flirtatiously walking up close to him. "Why thank you" he flirts back. We start kissing with his hands on my waist and my hands on his face. "Guys stop kissing eachothers faces off, and start filming right now" Aviva says. "Oh my g-gosh Aviva" i say, and then i look at myself in the mirror. Oh my gosh why do i always blush, we were not even kissing like that, she's exaggerating. "Just come on guys" she giggles. "Okay" Matthew says. We walk out the room and Danny says "So Aviva told me you guys were kissing eachothers faces off" he smirks. I widen my eyes, while Matthew does too. "And she told me you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend" Danny says still smirking. "Is it true?" he continues. Matthew and i both nod. "Yes! I shipped you two since day one! RATTHEW! RATTHEW! RATTHEW!" Danny says excitedly, cheering us on. Oh my gosh! Im pretty sure im as red as a tomato, i look over at Matthew, and let's just say, he sure is. "Well, anyways let's just start filming now" Danny says a bit embarrassed. By the way, this is starting from where we left off in the season finale. ACTION!!!

     "You love me too?" Matthew (Jax) says. "Yes i have ever since i realised i was jealous of you and Bianca, which was in grade 9" i (Kit) say. "Wow" Matthew (Jax) reply's in a shocked manner. "Yup, it's true" i (Kit) say. "Kit will you be the dj to my music?" Matthew (Jax) asks. "Yes, what ever that means" i (Kit) reply. Them we hug for a long time. "Annnnd CUT!! That was a beautiful moment guys keep up the good work" Danny says acting like a fanboy. Then we watch the rest of the cast film like we always do until we film our next scene, which is right now.  Me and Matthew walk up to the hallway setting and we start filming again holding hands "Oooh, look! Jax and Kit are a couple!" a random girl says. "OMG! Finally!" another girl says. Then everyone focuses their attention on us (Jax and Kit). "You guys are so cute!" Aviva (Alya) whispers to us (Jax and Kit). "Thanks but can you tell people to stop pressuring us" i (Kit) say. "No prob" Aviva (Alya) says. "Guys please stop pressuring Jax and Kit, calm down!" Aviva as her character Alya says. "Thank you" Matthew says as his character Jax. Aviva (Alya) nods and walks way. "Let's go Jax" "Okay, do you wanna hang out after school tommorow" "Sure Jax, id love to. Now let's go before they start going crazy over us again" "Yeah your right". We walk away. "Annnd CUT!" Danny yells. Now me and Matthew finished all of our scenes together. We walk off set. "Wow that was a good start to the season premiere" i say. "Yeah, it was, because you were here the whole time" he says to me. "Thanks Matthew for always being a sweetheart" i say thanking him. "No prob"he says then he pecks my lips.  "See ya tommorow babe, it's already 11:00 o clock at night" i say to him. "Okay see ya" he replys. After that i hop in my car and drive home. I open my door, and hop in my bed im so tired. Good night everyone.

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