Lil' Red and the Big Bad Wolf

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Okay, he said he was going to cool it and stay away for a bit –or at least in front of others –but this was just ridiculous, and he was already getting sick of it. He was bored, damn it, and he wanted to talk to Kyoko. Really, he was much too impatient to really stay away for long. No one could tell him or Kyoko who they could be friends with, and they were friends.

Without further ado, Kijima casually strolled over to Kyoko, visibly taking out his script and purposely holding it away.

“Kyoko-chan~ I couldn’t stay away, my dear,” he grinned, winking at her.

She giggled and scooted a bit, while Kijima slipped into place beside her. He leaned on the railings in front of them, using his elbows to support his weight, while deliberately putting his script up and tilting it so it looked like he was sharing it with her.

“So what in the world were you and the other girls gossiping about earlier, Kyoko-chan?” he asked curiously.

He became even more curious when he saw Kyoko turn red and look away from him.

“Oh now you have to tell me,” his grin widened.

“We were talking about you, actually,” she said dryly. At his interested look, she reluctantly expounded on that and his grin grew until it was practically splitting his face.

“I like that –The God Under the Sheets. I’m so proud of myself,” Kijima half-joked. “What an ego stroke. Kinda long though. How about God of Sex? Or just Sex God? Those are good. Why don’t you go spread those around for me, huh? Maybe it’ll catch on.”

“Your ego needs to deflate now,” she deadpanned and Kijima just started snickering.

“Don’t ruin my fun, my cute, little student,” Kijima took a pencil and made a mark on his page.

Kyoko blinked, staring at it. “What’s that for?”

“Nothing. I’m just doing something, so your favorite reticent sempai doesn’t murder me with his mind,” Kijima said, startling her. “Tsuruga, ten o’clock.”

Kyoko almost looked up to see, but then Kijima tapped the eraser of his pencil against his script.

“I’m serious,” Kijima said earnestly. “Tsuruga-kun is totally gunning for me. Don’t giggle! His glare of daggers might turn into a glare of death if you look like you’re enjoying my presence, more so if it seems outside of work.”

Kyoko wanted to laugh and frown all at once. Kijima was being funny, but on the serious side, it sucked that it was because Kijima had to watch himself and that Ren was being kind of mean to Kijima for some reason. Really –Kijima was nice and she liked being around him; Ren didn’t have to keep her away or be so obstructive like this.

So they continued to pretend to be talking over their scripts (while really talking about whatever), and made marks and drew stuff on their pages (Kijima had just finished making a rather talented portrait of a random bishoujo). Then it was time to start filming and Kijima and Kyoko were first up. They got into position and waited for the director to gesture for them to start. Immediately, they went into character and glared intensely at each other.

“Naoyuki-san, you are far from being ‘honest’ and ‘happy’, aren’t you?” Kyoko’s ‘Mio’ practically purred as she stalked after Kijima’s ‘Naoyuki’. “Na-o-yu-ki~ It means ‘honest’ and ‘happiness’, but you’re serpent-tongued and have been miserable ever since you took your first step into town.”

Kijima made a sneer, replying as Naoyuki in a deceptively cheerful voice. “Mio-chan, I think you’re overestimating your dangerousness. Watch your step, chibi, or I’ll happily cut you down to size.”

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