Of Kinks and Surprises

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Kijima was embarrassed. He also knew Kyoko was supremely embarrassed. And all the two of them could do was stand there in embarrassment, while everyone else was silent and watching them with those damnable wide eyes.

And then someone wolf whistled.

That broke everyone out of their stupor, causing a domino effect of people beginning to chuckle, clap, or join in with the wolf whistles and cat calls. Kijima coughed and ignored his blushing face to look at Kyoko, whose red face was probably worse than his, and the two of them grinned sheepishly at each other.

"Well that was something," he told her quietly, grinning.

"I suppose it was," she teased back, eyes lighting up in merriment.

"So good take, you two. You two can take a break, while we have Tsuruga-san and Iizuka-san doing the confrontation over Katsuki's past," Ogata called out. "We'll take five though, so we can review the footage first."

Kijima looked to Kyoko and gestured towards Ogata with his head, and the two of them headed over.

"Was the scene really okay?" Kyoko asked nervously.

Ogata smiled gently. "Wonderful. Very intense, as is usual of you and your Mio, though Kijima-san definitely added a new and even more exciting layer to Naoyuki and his and Mio's interactions than even before. Haha, maybe even too intense! We're not sure if we're going to be allowed to show all of that, but I would definitely like to and will push for it, if need be. And I'm sure if the broadcast will have to be censored, then at least our future Blu-rays will be able to feature uncut versions."

Still, hearing that made the two of them go back to blushing. Had they really been that racy? After all, it's not like they'd actually had a full 'sex scene' filmed. It was cut off before that and meant to imply what happened.

"Here's an idea," the Assistant Director cut in. "Why don't you two join us in reviewing the footage?"

Though surprised, they agreed and followed Ogata into the viewing room, where they stood and waited and then gaped as they watched themselves onscreen. Dear God, even if it hadn't been full on sex, the two of them really had gone pretty full throttle in that scene and hadn't pulled back on it at all. No wonder everyone was so shell shocked afterwards. The two of them had practically gone to third base in front of everyone! That was beyond a make out!

Kijima winced. "We're sorry, Director Ogata. We promise to hold back a little more next time."

"Please don't," Iizuka interrupted, grinning slyly, and he hadn't even noticed she'd been there. Neither had Kyoko from the look of her.

Ogata coughed, cheeks blushing lightly. He smiled at them. "What Iizuka-san said. Please don't. It would be a disservice to the scenes and the characters' natural progression with themselves and each other. Just go on as normally, and I'm sure we will come out with more fantastic scenes like that."

Kijima was still unsure, but he nodded. Kyoko copied his lead.

"You two can take your break. We're just going to be a few more minutes in here and then continue filming, though you two may continue on your break while we film with the others," Ogata told them.

"Alright, we'll be...in our dressing room," Kijima said, though he inwardly winced as he had forgotten to make that plural.

Still, they retreated out of there and headed to Kyoko's dressing room, where the two of them just stared at each other. Even if Kijima was thinking about it and had taken a step towards her, it surprised him that Kyoko took the initiative and moved towards him quickly, kissing him fervently first. Their tongues tangled together and he lifted her up, moving towards the counter and sitting her down. Her legs wrapped around him once more and drew him closer to her, and he could feel her warmth.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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