Blow My Whistle

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Kijima clambered onto the deck of the pirate ship, helping Kyoko up after him with steady hands. He turned to Lory and mock saluted.

“Mornin’, Captain!”

Delighted, Lory grinned and returned the salute.

Surprisingly, Kanae actually climbed up after them, panting and eye twitching irritably.

“Crazy idiots,” she muttered.

“Kijima Hidehito, a pleasure,” the President said amiably, holding out a hand. “Though a surprise to see you here. Are you looking to transfer to our wonderful establishment?”

“Please to meet you too, President Lory,” Kijima shook his hand. “And tempting though it is,” his eyes barely glanced at Kyoko, but Lory managed to catch that, “I’ll have to decline for the moment.”

“Open offer any time,” Lory winked, gears turning in his head. “Now…as to the request I have for the Love Me section, it’s to Mogami-kun specifically.”

And then he dropped the bombshell, leading to three very shocked people in front of him, amusingly gaping with disbelieving expressions.

“No…no way. There’s no way I can take care of a super VIP like that! Doesn’t he have attendants or something? I thought people like that had lots of attendants!” Kyoko was close to having a break down.

“Kuu Hizuri…” Kijima muttered in a daze.

“Normally, that is the case,” Lory shrugged. “However, he isn’t normal.”

That made Kyoko sweatdrop and give him a deadpan look at the same time.


“It’ll be alright, Mogami-san. Just be yourself and everything will be fine. He’s your sempai too, if you think about it. Though he left LME to go on his own further, he’s still part of the family. You’ll be fine,” Lory soothed.

Kyoko still wasn’t sure about all this, but it looked like she didn’t really have a choice.

“…Kuu –”

“Kijima-san, I know,” Kyoko sighed in exasperation, tugging at his arm. Unknowingly, she’d slipped into the more usual ease and behavior she used with him in private. “If I promise to see if I can get his autograph for you, will you be alright now?”

“I will swear to be your slave forever and ever,” Kijima said solemnly.

Amused and surprised at the interaction between the two, Lory made special note of all of this, while Kanae was also noting everything in her own head.

“Also, I should mention that Kuu has been looking forward to Kyoto-style cooking, so if you can make sure to prepare his food in that way, that will be even better,” Lory continued informing her of the details. “I know you have superb cooking skills.”

“You can count on me, sir!” Kyoko straightened and looked at him with a small grin.

Lory observed that and wondered quietly if his little mouse actually seemed much more outgoing and social than she usually was? He took a quick glance at Kijima. He wondered…

“Excellent. I’ll let you know when and where later on,” Lory returned the smile much more brightly.

“President Lory, I was wondering if we can actually get a ride on this thing?” Kijima asked, backed to being in awe of an actual pirate ship.

Lory couldn’t help the wide grin spreading across his face. Ah, a kindred spirit. “Of course! I’ll even give you a tour of our beloved building. All aboard The Black Pearl!”

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