In For the Kill

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Kyoko-chan, wanna go for some castella?

Kyoko had been staring at the text for the past fifteen minutes. She’d hesitantly given a positive reply soon after she’d gotten the message…but now she couldn’t help going back to the unexpected message and wonder, not for the first time, if she was imagining it.

She’d never gotten mail from anyone other than Kanae before.

Honestly, Kyoko didn’t know what to think of Kijima. He wasn’t what she expected. Since his arrival on set and his introduction to the Dark Moon cast, and basically the beginning of his work with them, she had never really interacted much with the actor. Or gotten close.

They were polite to each other in meeting, a kind greeting passing by, and had good (if shallow and superficial) talks if they were with each other long or had to wait together. He was plenty flirty, as was his personality, and he even was with her. He never stepped over his boundaries or made anyone feel uncomfortable. He disliked fighting, and usually tried for diplomacy if he couldn’t just outright find a way out.

He knew how to cheer up or make anyone feel good, but especially women (Iizuka was a great example –she’d been fighting with her husband and had come to work upset, and Kijima had smoothly made the older woman flattered and feel better in no time; rumors said that he’d also managed to get the couple to work things out and practically fix things himself).

Kyoko, herself, had been on the receiving end of his generosity. When Ren had been scheduled to do something else and wasn’t there, she’d been in a slump about getting into Mio’s character because of a run in with stupid Sho at school. Kijima had shown up and managed to cheer her up and make her forget about her worries and even Sho, even though he hadn’t helped her get into character like Ren would have. It was nice, though, that he had been focused on her well-being and making her feel better, even making the both of them forget and not be ready for work (even as far as Kijima being late for his costume fitting and sheepishly having to endure an angry lecture from the costume director –he’d merely stood there and listened and then apologized, though the discreet wink he sent over to Kyoko told her he wasn’t too bothered).

And then there was last night, where he had actually hung out with her.

It was so…unexpected. He’d never gone that far as to spend so much time with her or actually seek her out. Of the women on set, though he pretty much talked and got along with everyone and was equally attentive to all the women there, Itsumi and Oohara were the two he most spent time with. He’d never before actively sought her out, or chose her in particular to be with.

She didn’t know what to make of it all.

Especially now that it seemed he was making a habit of it, and looked like he wanted to continue spending time with her and getting to know her.

Is 3 okay? Can I pick you up?

Kyoko stared at the newest text. Her hands hesitantly moved to her phone and with a few clicks…she agreed and then waited anxiously for the older man to arrive.

She was startled out of her thoughts when her phone buzzed and she saw another text from Kijima telling her he was there. Surprised, she glanced at the time and saw it was 3 already. Eyes widening, she tried to hurriedly fix herself up, and then rushed out and grabbed her jacket. She had made it to the interior of the restaurant, only to see Kijima already there and politely chatting up the kind couple she was staying with.

“Ah, Kijima-san, you didn’t have to get out of your car!” she blurted out in embarrassment.

He looked at her puzzled, but gave her a sweet smile. “I didn’t mind. Besides, why wouldn’t I come to get you? It’s only polite.”

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