Part 15 - Perfect

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Astrid's POV

We were all sat down at our table. I was forced to sit next to Valka and Hiccup while opposite to Heather, Snotlout and Stoick. There were a few random people who I didn't bother learning their names to because they were so weird.

"So Astrid,-" Valka said turning to me as we were waiting for our food. "-how long have you and Hiccup been together?" I paused from taking a drink of my water and answered back. "Oh...ermm... 3 Weeks I think." She nodded and eyed us both.

"And how did you guys meet?" God this feels like moms intterogation all over again. I turned to Hiccup and it seemed he saw the struggle in my eyes. He smiled and answered her.

"We met a year ago. At the...-" He paused contemplating something. "-Science fair." I finished for him with a subtle kick to the leg so  that he would play along.

"But, you were only dating me for 2 month? You were cheating on me back then?" Heather asked with a tone you could describe as innocent. Yeah right.

"Of course not. I just really liked Astrid and tried to ignore what I felt for her so I started dating you." Hiccup said with a seemingly too truthful lie. I knew it was fake but I couldn't help but feel my cheeks burn at his words.

"And what about you two. How long have you two been dating?" Stoick asked Heather and Snotlout.

"3 Days." Snotlout said
"2 Weeks." Heather said
They looked at each other and glared.

"2 Weeks. I meant." Snotlout said almost whimpering at the look Heather was giving. If looks could kill, he would have died ages ago.

"And you're all friends?" Valka asked. We all fell into a deep silence.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Valka asked curiously.

It was me who broke the awkward silence. "Yeah! We always hang out. Right guys?" I asked faking enthusiasm so that Val wouldn't get suspicious.

Heather nodded and smiled. "Yeah! We're so close we practically know each others secrets." She threw me a knowing look. It was a truce. She wanted me to act like how we were five years ago. I nodded to her and released a silent sigh.

"Thats good to know." Stoick chimed in and thats when 5 People came into the room with trays of food.

Damn. They really are rich.

They placed the trays on the long table and 2 other people offered us drinks.


I shook my head "no thanks."

"Alright. Would you rather have Water?"

I nodded. "Yes please." And the girl serving me took my cup and filled it with water.

We were eating peacefully when Spitelout, I believe spoke. "So Heather, how's my son?"

"Snotlouts wonderful. A true gentleman." She lied with the slightest bit of hesitation and sarcasm. I can tell when she lies because she forced smiled a bit and her eyebrows creased which meant she was thinking hard. "Thats good. I always knew my son would be good with the ladies."

"And how is Hiccup, Astrid?" I decided to answer honestly.

"Honestly, annoying. A pain in the butt-" I saw Hiccup's glare and Valka's amused chuckle. "- but I admit, sometimes he can be sweet and can be a gentleman if he so wishes." I said. Hiccup blushed a little and Stoick chuckled.

"I would expect no less from him."

"I like this one." Valka said turning away from Hiccup, smiling warmly at me.

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