7-Thorin Oakenshield

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Gandalf opened the door, there stood none other than Thorin Oakenshield himself. I have been told many tales about him from my father & of course from Gandalf. But I certainly wasn't prepared of what it would be like if I saw him in the flesh. He was slightly tall, near my shoulders. He had long black hair with few silver streaks. Two braids on either side of his face, a sign of royalty & had a beard like all dwarfs do besides Kili, his was lighter. There was a family resemblance. I had to admit I was mesmerized by his presence. I snapped myself back to normal before any one noticed that I was staring. The Prince entered the house removing his cape.
Thorin: "Gandalf, I thought you said that this place would be easy to find. Lost my way twice. I might not have found it if had it not been for the mark on the door."
Bilbo:(Exasperated)"Mark? There is no mark on the door, I had it repainted last week."
Gandalf: "There is indeed a mark, my friend, I put it there myself. Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce to you the leader of this company, Thorin Oakenshield."
Thorin handed his cape to Kili while he observed the hobbit by circling him. Lightly I tapped Kili's shoulder offering to take the cape, he handed it to me, neatly folding it. Was still warm though I placed it on top of my jacket.
Thorin: "So this is the hobbit, tell me, Master Baggins, have you done any fights?"
Bilbo: "I beg your pardon?"
Thorin: "Which weapons do you use your skills? Axe, sword or bow & arrows?"
Bilbo: "Well if you must know is that I'm fairly good at playing conkers but I do not know if that is relevant."
Thorin: "Thought as much he looks more like a grocer than a burglar."
Everyone laughed at this besides me, I thought it was kind of mean though, but looking at Bilbo he didn't flinch. Turning around that is when Thorin & I came face to face. Thorin just stood there as if frozen, his eyes then slowly looked at me from head to toe, making me feel awkward like a school girl. As he looked back up to my face or rather connected with my eyes, gazing at me as if searching my soul. I could not deny his dark blue eyes were captivating, holding me his prisoner. Then someone cleared his throat making both of us flinch.
Gandalf: "Ah! Thorin, allow me to introduce one more member who shall be joining us."
Anya:(Clearing my throat, lightly)"Greetings, Lord Oakenshield its a pleasure meeting you in person. My name is Anya Hadin, at your service."
Bowed slightly then extended my hand, he just kept his gaze locked on me, around me I could feel a slight tension as everyone held their breath watching us. Then Thorin took my hand in his large one shook it lightly before squeezing it. He had a pretty strong grip.
Anya: "Well then, with that out of the way shall we continue with the meeting, gentlemen?"
Remembering my manners, I may be a ranger but a lady as well. Nodding his head, Thorin released my hand reluctantly brushing past me towards the table. I released my breath slowly had no idea was holding it, I looked at my right hand frowning. As the dwarf held my hand an unfamiliar jolt went through my arm, not only made me jittery but also made my heart flutter with butterflies dancing in my stomach. Odd feeling yet pleasant, no male had made me feel this way. Oh, many had asked to court me but I had rejected them. Could Thorin feel the same way, pfft, that is ridiculous. Thorin & I are from different worlds, he was of royal blood & I'm sure he has had many suitors more to his liking, as a Prince dwarf. Why would he be interested in a mere human? Besides I am simply here to help him reclaim his homeland then go our separate ways. Taking a deep breath I walked back into the room.

692 words!

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